
24 Things Women Over 30 Should Wear

This morning, as I was perusing my Facebook timeline, I happened upon an article that a lovely friend shared. It was entitled “24 Things Women Should Stop Wearing After Age 30”, and it triggered Maximum Eye-Rolling from everyone who took the time out to read it.

Written by Kallie Provencher for RantChic.com, this “article” (I use the term loosely) highlighted things such as “leopard print”, “graphic tees”, and “short dresses” (because “By this age, women should know it’s always better to leave something to the imagination”). Kallie, it seems, has a number of opinions on what women over 30 should and shouldn’t be doing, having also penned “30 Things Women Over 30 Shouldn’t Own” and “20 Pictures Women Over 30 Need To Stop Posting Online”. (What is this magical post-30 land where women are suddenly not allowed to do or own so many things?!)

Motivated by Kallie’s “article”, I decided to churn up one of my own! I bring you now:

24 Things Women Over 30 Should Wear

24. Whatever the fuck they want.

Advanced Style/Gretchen-Schields

23. Whatever the fuck they want.

Advanced Style

22. Whatever the fuck they want.

Carolina Herrera

21. Whatever the fuck they want.

Beatrix Ost

20. Whatever the fuck they want.

Gabourey Sidibe

19. Whatever the fuck they want.

Ellen Degeneres

18. Whatever the fuck they want.

Mama In Heels

17. Whatever the fuck they want.

Already Pretty

16. Whatever the fuck they want.


15. Whatever the fuck they want.

Anna Sui

14. Whatever the fuck they want.

Jenna Lyons

13. Whatever the fuck they want.

Not Dead Yet Style

12. Whatever the fuck they want.

Helen Mirren
Helen Mirren

11.Whatever the fuck they want.

Bag & A Beret/ Forest City Fashionista

10. Whatever the fuck they want.

Margaret Cho

9. Whatever the fuck they want.

Accidental Icon

8. Whatever the fuck they want.

Carmen Dell’Orefice

7. Whatever the fuck they want.

Fran Lebowitz

6. Whatever the fuck they want.

Rebel Wilson

5. Whatever the fuck they want.

Beth Ditto

4. Whatever the fuck they want.

Serena Williams
Serena Williams

3. Whatever the fuck they want.

Alexis Hornbuckle

2. Whatever the fuck they want.

Stuff She Likes


Iris Apfel

Women in today’s world are hit from all sides. Do this. Wear that. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Speak softly. Smile. Agree, agree, agree. Assimilate. Shut up. Stay down. 

The last thing we need is other women telling us what we should and shouldn’t do. Stand up, ladies, and stand together. Don’t be like Kallie Provencher. (Especially don’t be like her.) Wear what you want, do what you want, and support one another! And like all of these fabulous ladies, don’t give a fuck.



1,324 thoughts on “24 Things Women Over 30 Should Wear”

      1. Clearly, you’ve missed the point. Do not police my language on my website, thank you. Policing a woman’s language is just as bad as trying to police what a woman wears!

      2. Words have meanings, and that includes the word “fuck”. It’s a strong word, not a bad word.The word “fuck” adds quite a bit of rhetorical oomph.

      3. Your website is the expression of your viewpoint and opinions. These are valuable, without a doubt. It is wonderful to see examples of women who are not caving in to superficial rules. I am one of them myself, learning and growing into who I am as I go.
        The opinion you take exception to is one I share. IMHO, classy has greater value and impact than what you chose, but I do respect and honor your right to it.
        Expression of and respect for different opinions, and growing from the sharing is also extremely value. Even our own two eyes don’t have th same view, and as a result of working together, they gain perspective.

      4. Classy? Like Kallie’s classy? No, thanks. What the fuck do you think “Whatever the fuck you want.” means????

      5. Oh, I think that’s clearly a message to “shut up” “calm down” “sit down” “be quiet” “stop” “no” “don’t”. Shut the fuck up, Lisa whoever-you-are. You have totally, completely and sadly, missed the point. It’s like that pathetic Sarandon approach about “voting with your vagina.” What is wrong with women these days? I am proud to say I was raised by a woman who led. She also followed but she did know her place. It was anywhere she wanted it to be. Thanks, Mom and thanks, Curves!

      6. I liked the usage of the f word it conveys the sentiments of the article in 34 and I’ll wear whatever I damn well please!

      7. Did you read the article? Re-read the last paragraph and ruminate upon the thought that everyone has a voice, and that we can always stop reading things that offend us.

      8. LOL Lisa and RN have a problem with the word “fuck” but not with the fact they have shitty English and grammar skills. #Priorities

      9. I think the “f” word was vital to the story. No one should tell a grown woman what she should or shouldn’t wear. It got the fucking point across right? Enough said.

      10. Caroline, have you seen the delightful “24 Things Women over 30 shouldn’t wear” article by Kally something or other, who writes for a trashy TMZ style website? The F-Bombs here are sincerely my hero and really drove home my thoughts after reading the other article, which sincerely left me more offended and wondering who and how old Miss “Telling People What to Do” is, as she idolizes many women (and men) over 30 in her own tabloid trash writing. I loved this piece, and it really does make a stark point.

      11. Wow, I can’t believe how many people are upset about Lisa’s opinion of the work Fuck!! It was her opinion, like the article says .. Do whatever you want… It also says (women) start supporting each other. Why don’t we start now!!! Rather than blasting a person for their opinion why not simply say… I think the use of Fuck was appropriate in my opinion and I respect your opinion to do whatever the fuck you want!!

      12. I disagree. Sure, there is a time and place for the fuck word and that was the right time and place to use it.

      13. LADIES! Let’s not squabble about a word and miss the point in yet another way. SUPPORT each other. I will NOT tell the author of this excellent piece to change her article to make me or anyone else more comfortable. Including phrases such as “not classy” implies her writing is “not classy”, and inadvertently sends the message “you need to change your work (yourself) to make me more comfortable and it’s your responsibility to do so” no matter what your intentions are, which is PRECISELY what the author is railing against in behalf of all of us, is it not? ESPECIALLY since the article is SPECIFICALLY about learning to be true to yourself and disregard the haters – how to get comfortable in your own skin and celebrate your genuine self, while freeing yourself from the worry of what others think of you and HOW YOU EXPRESS YOURSELF. It’s obviously a great work because it’s stirring this controversy and conversation. I had to
        face this (and perhaps there are others who fit in this category with me):
        To the author –
        I love your as-close-to-perfect-as-is-humanly-possible article, partly BECAUSE it includes the word “fuck” as a powerful illustration and reinforcement of your excellent point. Brilliant writing! THANK YOU!! All I really want is to be able to repost this UTTERLY FABULOUS article ad infinitum and NOT have any of my more uptight loved ones and friends reject it – contempt prior to investigation – because of one silly word. I want so badly for them to be able to read it in spite of themselves, and give themselves permission to BE FREE of meaningless social constructions, constrictions, and restrictions without ME having to hear them lament about the the f word. Perhaps their teachers will appear when they, the students, are ready, but I’m not willing to listen to the rabble. I will happily repost this to any and every woman I know who will not come back at me for its inclusion of the aforementioned powerful, thought-provoking, NECESSARY to the construction of your article, and deeply impactful word. That’s my version of not giving a fuck. THANK YOU for this amazing and affirming article. AMEN, SISTA!

      14. THANK YOU so so much for the support, and solidarity, and for letting others know how it is! If the expletives in this post is all that people can focus on, they just aren’t ready to “get it”! 💕

      15. I am a portrait painter -and love costumes…..they are fun to paint and observe.However –
        the most important thing you ever wear–is your expression.And that takes a lifetime of
        attention and work.
        Love and good luck to all of us.

      16. I liked it much better with the F word you speak of. Emphasis on the anger, we women should feel, being told how to conform to society! We do not fit one mold or even 100s. I loved this article so much. Thank you. I find myself someplace between 24, 23, and 22…but tomorrow I may be closer to others….. Whatever the fuck I want!

      17. The writer was spot on and in today’s society if you cannot deal with a few f words then I suggest that you crawl back under the rock that you are living under, never again to see the light of day. Also grow a back bone.

      18. It was much more powerful with the “F” word, as you called it, because we’re never supposed to say it. It’s not Ladylike and it’s not Christian. Well, neither am I. Saying it, out loud, was the single most powerful thing I’ve ever said.

      19. Some of you “ladies” have no fucking clue! Love the message, love the style, love the language. Real women use all their fucking words, whenever the fuckity fuck they like. Carry on!

      20. I have kids…mostly grown and they all knew that the “F” word was only to be used in the bathroom until they were old enough to move out and have their own bathroom…then they could use it anytime they pleased. Why? Why condone such a thing well by the time they had their bathroom they should also be responsible and mature enough to have educated sex. And let’s be honest here that is all the word Fuck is a shocking word to describe sex. The word Fuck may seem vulgar to you but to me the word kill is more so and less classy than the word fuck. And truth be told I’d MUCH rather my kids -Mostly grown up into adult that Fuck than adults that Kill. Kill is way more offensive to me. But who am I to say? I am just a short little Ol’ lady rockin’ purple hair instead rocket red, and what ever the Fuck I want to wear. Closer to 50 than 40 these days.

      21. Well fuck. Seriously sometimes there is just no better word. It adds a punctuation mark.I like this word.

      22. Lisa, it would have been tepid and bland without the “fuck” that amplifies the point – a point which is exactly the opposite of tepid and bland. “Whatever the FUCK” IS the point. Kudos for this post – I love-love-love it exactly as-is.

      23. Completely missing the point, Lisa. The fuck is the punctuation, not the problem.

        As in, “Have a lovely fucking day!”

      24. There is not a single day that goes by I don’t use that word!!! It is JUST a word! I absolutely LOVE these pictures….

      25. Oh dear… I see both sides… the F word is strong, and is sometimes used without much thought. The P word is the other trending one right now. I also agree that it’s actually appropriate in this article. So, true to our message of not dictating to each other (men or women), shall we instead spread love and kindness? I love the article and I understand where Lisa is coming from. We’re all different and yet the same. Peace : )

      26. I loved the f word in every place it was used.I think more women should use it. I loved the point of the article and I loved the response the author gave to your comment.

      27. @warningcurvesahead If you’re going to put it out there, be prepared to take the heat or shut the fuck up. Just sayin…

      28. “Whatever the heck they want.” “Whatever the gollydrops they want.” “Whatever the horse-hoof they want” “Whatever the eff they want” “Whatever the giblet-juice they want”….Nope. Nothing really delivers and drives the message home like “Whatever the FUCK they want”..If anything, I don’t think there are ENOUGH fucks. “Whatever they fuck they want….YOU FUCK.” 🙂

      29. Jane Age 71 – If I had been able to say FUCK when I was 16, perhaps I wouldn’t have taken up smoking as an act of rebellion. It would have been a healthier response.

      30. I thought the list was fabulous! Fuck or not – although I like it better WITH the emphasis it provides.

      31. Lighten up. It makes an important statement. Much more effective than “Ah, gee. It’s OK to wear what you want”. I’m so tired of rules and going by what people think “should be”. Curbing how she expressed herself to please you, is the same thing as being dictated to at our age as to what’s appropriate or not appropriate to wear…

      32. Once I might have agreed; however, here “Fuck” lends a certain elegant honesty, what some would call “Je ne sais quoi”.

      33. I love the F word but only used appropriately and never in front of colleagues or my parents 😊 I am an intelligent strong woman and when really angry or frustrated the F word is marvellous.

      34. Nah…The word FUCK gives it just the oomph, confidence and determination it takes to be oneself in society. It’s essential to the message!

      35. Actually, before I even clicked on the article, my 57-year-old brain said “Whatever the fuck we want!”, so, in my opinion, really, in this day & age, you’re going to gripe about that word?!?

      36. No, using an intensifier made the perfect statement: people should shut up, mind their business, and stop telling other people what to do if it isn’t hurting anyone else.

      37. Iam 72 and told by many,a very classy old broad, LOVE the bomb word in this for this article. Not offensive at all , well said I say!!!!

      38. Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I really wish that folks wouldn’t get so caught up over a silly word, because I felt that it helped drive the message home. ❤

      39. You have used it with great humour … that in itself plays with the word and softening it’s effect to make the idea of the whole ’20 things you should or shouldn’t do’ …(so often used on social media) very witty :~)

      40. Oh get the fuck over it. It’s 2017, not 1917. I’m 32 years old lady and judging from your response you grew up in a much “simpler” time, where women were opressed from speaking so boldly. The word fuck can be used to empower meaning. And for us women, I believe more than ever how important that is. Stop being mom to the entire world and embrace the change lady. Because you’re one of them!! 😊

      41. Lisa Love,

        I realize this post is old by now. I’m just hoping that you’ve gotten a fucking clue by now.

        FUCK is what made this article so empowering. Without it, we (other fabulous women over 30) wouldn’t have been AS affected by it.

      42. Lisa Love,

        I realize this post is old by now. I’m just hoping that you’ve gotten a fucking clue by now.

        FUCK is what made this article so empowering. Without it, we (other fabulous women over 30) wouldn’t have been AS affected by it.

      43. classier?
        This IS classiest response ever. Lol
        And the “F” word gives this whole response a strong statement and humour.
        Definitely gets the point across.
        Thank you for this.

    1. Love it, and I think the use of the F word is spot on. Fuck em if they can’t take a joke!!😉

    2. Regardless of the use of the word fuck, the point was made and very well done I might add. Individualism is an excellent expression of your soul.

    3. Love, love, love this article! Kallie appears to be under 30, so on the one hand I can chalk it up to the naïveté of youth. On the other hand, as a 62 year old, I’m sick of people telling me what I can, or cannot wear, do, say, etc. Kallie needs to understand that by the time you reach my age, you become endowed with the the beautiful, liberating lack of giving a shit about what anyone else thinks. To a degree, I never did care, but now it’s full-bore. Hopefully that will happen to other women at an early age – it feels great!

      1. You are right on I am 71 and I have always enjoyed wearing and doing what I like. I like a lot of sparkles , costume jewelry is fun and if I want to wear what’s trendy but too young for me I do it anyway . I do not care who says what is appropriate for women to wear I wear what I enjoy most and do not give a Fuck .. if someone tries to make rules for us On what is appropriate well fuck them . I’m short and I like big purses ,big hats ,long dresses ,high heels . short people are told not to wear any of that but I don’t listen I do what I like. When I was younger I may have been more likely to follow some of the rules given to women on how they should dress , now I do what I want –fuck the rules I make my own and I’m happy . I have reached that age to do just that .

      2. This is amazing! It is iconic, strong women like you that inspired me to put together this post. My dream is that one day, women and girls won’t feel the need to abide by *any* arbitrary fashion rules, and will feel confident to just be their happy, vibrant selves!

    4. I find myself using that word far more frequently as I age….and wearing whatever feels good. I love Iris Apfel and Fran Liebowitz…..both styles of women are just screaming….”I will do what the fuck I want!!!”

    5. I might be way off getting this article, but don’t let that stop me … Women over 30 should be growing beyond the fences of the fashion restrictions and growing into their individual fashion sense. That means being confident enough to go against the prevailing style and wearing what you like to wear for whatever reason you like to wear it. If coulottes fit your lifestyle, damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead. .

    6. Could have added some 30year olds too. Some 30yr olds look like they are still in their 20s… Some people in their 40’s look like the are in their 20’s!
      I like this article becausey mom has started giving me her cool clothes lately, and say that she shouldn’t be wearing these things anymore… And I’m like why? Your body is rocking, so why not a short skirt with leggings when you’re 60?

    7. LOVED THE FUCKEN ARTICLE! i am a little shamed that women found things to pick a part though. Read or don’t read. Dont hate though!

    8. A lot of these women missed the memo that people who say fuck are smarter and more honest than people who censor other people.

    9. EXCELLENT. And I DO wear whatever the fuck I want! (Those aggressive “K” sounds are some of my favorite!)

    10. Ladies – do I agree or disagree with the word “FUCK” being used in the article and almost every single response is irrelevant. I personally do not want to use the word FUCK in every sentence but you all have proven to the world that words and clothes draw a reaction from others – the same, indifferent and/or different. I thought the lesson was to show the world it is okay to be different, be comfortable with who you are and just be you. The argument over the word “fuck” discredits the article.

    11. Right on point. I am 71 and wear whatever the fuck I want, change my hair color at least 3 times a year, and say whatever I want to say. I have earned that right.

      1. You’re totally not a lunatic. About this. I remember reading that same stupid article last year and my response was basically screw you, I’m wearing neon nail polish to my grave. DANG IT.

      2. Thank you for sharing that link. It made me laugh. I will be 59 i a few weeks and I still wear some of the things on that list, and will continue to as long as I am comfortable with it!

      3. Thank you for sharing that link. It made me laugh. I will be 59 in a few weeks and I still wear some of the things on that list and will continue to do so as long as I am comfortable doing so!

      4. The article was awesome, the pictures were awesome, your use of the fucking word that some seem to be fucking offended by was priceless for the article. Thank you, I loved it and will be sharing it with my friends. You have a fucking awesome rest of your day.

      5. I enjoyed your article. I am 70 and intend to wear whatever I want for the rest of my life. I think my perspective on what looks good on me is a lot better than some 20-something fashionista. I remember well thinking that I knew a lot at that age and didn’t have the good sense to stop offering unasked for advice. I also hate that article about what makeup people over 60 should not wear. I have seen that one so many times. We all need to let other people be who they want to be.

  1. Well hell, I must have missed all those memos. I am not only over 30 but the big 4-0 in six months time and not only do I wear what I want but I own what I want too! If i had long slim legs I’d wear short skirts every day of the week!!!!

    1. You know what pixieanna? You should rock those short skirts anyway. I’m 46 and I’ll rock leopard prints ,sandals, and whatever the hell else I feel like putting on, and if you like short skirts, find the perfect one for you and wear it, just because.

      The irony would be if the person writing it was under thirty herself. Whew! That would be a lot to unpack!

      1. Pixieanna, Ikeke35 is right! You rock those shorts and don’t give a shit about it because no matter what, you are fabulous and will look incredible. Ikeke35, I can’t speak for the writer of the ultra-aggravating original article, but I am actually under 30, but with an immense amount of respect for EVERY woman and their right to be sexy as hell, no fucks given! ❤

    2. I’m 45 and 82 kg (170 pounds??) and wear lycra leggings in public – shock horror! At sport training – because what I do with my body is more important than what it looks like.

      1. What msp got hold of this woman an brain washed her we are not told how to dress or live by any one havent you heard we outnumber the boys ill wear what i want outlandish or not it is fun and i like it life is to enjoy not be bossed by any one .the young woman i
        Of 74 jgf

    1. Well damn I just put back the cutest rompers because at 48 I thought it was too short. I try to have this same attitude but sometimes I question myself! Can I take you with me next time I go shopping? ?

    1. Hahaha.. ahhh we do it , we love it, hell we want it, but we cant say it.. If i dislike something i stop reading. So simple. The world we live in today… WORDS they are the focus, actions can be totally looked over. We are all suppose to be adults.. If word fuck is the most offensive thing thats happened. Well your doing pretty good girls!!!

  2. Six years ago Kallie Provencher was a cashier at Michael’s Crafts. Why the f*ck does she feel she can tell us what we should and shouldn’t wear? Oy. Kallie: Go back to Michael’s and make a pom-pom dress and guess what? No one here will tell you that you shouldn’t wear it!

  3. Women are not a product to be sold where the “right” marketing should be employed. We are expressive entities wearing our souls on our sleeves. Dressing is soul work. Oh, the joy of it!!!

  4. She’s obviously v depressed.Has she never realised what feminism is, its being able to choose what you do,want to wear etc.Clothes are only a part of your personality but an important part She wouldn’t dare tell you what to thnk so don’t tell us what to wear!!!

  5. Even before I opened the article, i answered the question of “What should women over 30 wear?” with “Whatever the fuck they want.” Down with fashionistas policing the choices of women at any age, and up with women wearing anything and everything (or nothing!) that makes them feel fabulous.

  6. I’m over 50 and I answer to no one other then myself, if I want to go out wearing a bed sheet I’m gonna go out wearing it. If people stop and stare well I have made an impact. I don’t know who the woman is who wrote the original article on what not to wear, or know her age, but my advice is, don’t listen to yourself and get out there and live

  7. love the article. also read the should not wear. and i have to say. i still have dungarees and cannot do without my old cons. if you look good in it wear it that is what i say.

    1. Fuck the “If you look good in it” -that is still pandering to others. If you enjoy wearing it, wear it.

    1. I am 75 years and the book “Advanced Style” is my favorite birthday gift to give my aging friends!!! They all look better than fucking men their age….. Wonder what a book called “Advanced Men’s Style” would be like…….fucking boring and full of blank pages.

  8. Oh hell yes! Thanks for that… You are so right. It’s easy to unconsciously conform in this world. Great to have the articles like this that remind us it’s totally up to us what the hell we want to wear.
    Mid forties here with a love of jeans, boots and all things bright green!!

  9. I call stories like these “hearticles” because I love them so much. And, side note, if anyone can tell me where #17 got her Elvis Costello T-shirt, I’d be grateful.

    1. Make your own! Make an iron transfer from an image you found. Get a friend to help you silkscreen it. Do your best sketch on paper, then use fabric markers. Then it’s even MORE cool because you DIYed it!

    2. Make your own! Make an iron-on transfer from an image you found. Silkscreen it (there are kits and tutorials for doing it at home). Do your own sketch on paper then on the shirt with fabric markers. Embroider a line drawing. Applique a design. Then your shirt will be even COOLER because you DIYed it!

  10. When I was out for a walk a few months ago, a couple of late-twenties women in expensive jogging togs asked if I were French or Belgian, because I was “so elegant.” (No, I’m from Denver.) Wearing an old calf-length green skirt (which I made), batik t-shirt from a street fair, handwoven jacket which had been a birthday gift about 10 years ago, a long scarf I’ve had for several years, and a beret sort of cap purchased at the RenFaire, with my long white hair tucked up into it. Plus some elderly boots. I just wear what I like (currently rising sixty-four.)

  11. I do feel there is age appropriate clothing, however with that said if a Woman feel confident enough to wear whatever then do it. I personally kinda March to my own drum when it comes to clothing. Colorful accents with paired with classic jackets, pants, and dresses. Individuality is what makes us great, so to try to wear something or someone a size 2 might not work for me. I know how to dress my body. I think k that’s important FIT no matter the size. I love these articles further helping Women of all ages, size, color to love the skin we are in.

  12. I love this article! It’s so inspiring! I’m in my late 40’s and used to be a punk rocker back in the day when it wasn’t cool or hip and was made fun of for the way I dressed. Now I wear vintage clothing that was in style over 70 years ago. So yeah, 0 f**ks and counting! Live and let live people! XOXOX

  13. Used to be only women “of a certain age” wore leopard print, little girl writer! (And I’ve got graphic tees over 30 that I still wear, thanks) Go back to Michael’s indeed.

    I covet the outfits Lucy Liu wears on “Elementary”. Short dresses, sleeveless blouses, big graphic designs, all so elegant. And she’s over 50, gasp horror. Check them out!

    I think Margaret Cho’s pack should have been black or dark blue leather to go with her outfit, but that’s all.

    Also I want to be Helen Mirren when I grow up. My childhood ambition was to be Diana Rigg. Sadly, I am not a knighted British actress.

  14. I am nearly 75 and although I don’t have a lot of money to spend on style and I live in FL where there is essentially no style, I still wear what makes me feel good!!

  15. I hated reading the Rantchic article. Why shouldn’t I wear my graphic tees with my love-worn Chuck T’s just because I’m on the other side of 30? I’ll wear whatever the f*** I want!
    By the way, who doesn’t LOVE Helen Mirren? She’s stunning!

  16. What the hell is wrong with her. I am 46 and I have a ton of graphic t-shirts and I will wear them anywhere I want. I also have evening attire, work clothes, shorts, and if I still had my banging pre-pregnancy body (5children) I would wear miniskirts. Why tell women that they can’t wear a certain style because of age…. isn’t that age-shaming or some shit like that?

  17. Thank you. When I turn thirty, I’m going to keep on wearing whatever the hell I want. Screw anyone else who tries to tell me differently.

  18. As someone who’s now in her fifties, I haven’t given a fuck about what anyone thinks about what clothes I wear since I was a very tiny child and my mother gave up telling me why that color didn’t go with that one. Granted, my ‘style’ is generally jeans and a t-shirt with sneakers.

  19. “24 Things Women Should Stop Wearing After Age 30”, hoop earrings, short dresses, blue eyeshadow? I cringed at that stupid article, “20 Pictures Women Over 30 Need To Stop Posting Online”. Which led me to her FB page where she posts pics of celebs doing all the things on her little list. And quite hypocritically, herself too, like “office photo selfie”. And her other dumb article, “30 Things Women Over 30 Shouldn’t Own”, I’m sorry, Victoria’s Secret Pink, concert posters?? She sounds like such a miserable person. Ehh.

  20. If I stood around thinking what I should and shouldn’t do/wear/post/act like , I wouldn’t have time for work so I could earn money to buy the things I’m apparently not supposed to be wearing. Fuck that!

  21. Reblogged this on Turn the page and commented:
    For everyone who thinks they should give up on life because they’ve reached Age X, read this. (And everyone who has already given up on life, don’t bother trying to ruin it for the rest of us, we’re not listening.)

  22. All gorgeous women doing what the fuck they want! More power to us all. You’re right – we need to stand together, support each other all the way. Thanks for this awesome blog post!

  23. I decided to google this Kallie “writer” and she of course is a Millennial……they just LOVE to tell everyone else above their age bracket what they can and can’t do. I for one think every single Millennial that have their self righteous attitude of entitlement should be rounded up and an entire generation of useless kids that contribute nothing to society should be killed for their stupidity, then we won’t have to raise our taxes to give them everything for free that they want……I had better be careful though, once they read this they might start a petition to have me deported from my own country. They only know how to make petitions, get people fired and discredit anything older then them…….they are simply useless lol

    1. um……. a millennial would be anything from 0 to 16 at the most so I think youre being too kind Marc Graham 😉 (unless youre talking “brain” years, lol)

      1. For statistical, demographic purposes, Millenials are usually (there’s no set range) considered to be those born between 1982-2004 (so, upper range would be in their mid-30s). There isn’t a “formally” recognized title for the generation that came after, but some are labeling those born after 2004ish as Gen Z. The “generation” titles are not based on actual calendar dates (e.g., all kids born after 1999 or 2000).

        Also, please don’t generalize about generational groups; we’re all chatting now because that’s what Kallie does.

        (p.s. For perspective on my perspective: I’m 56, dress however I choose (always have), and I’m a pop culture/music photojournalist.

  24. No short skirts??? You need one in there and it would be fucking perfect 😉😉 in my opinion anyway 😁

  25. I think I would love it more if 80% of these examples didn’t have full makeup. Not that I judge women who wear makeup, but I find myself often deemed unprofessional because I don’t wear makeup, I don’t “style” my hair, and I live comfortably in my own skin. It’s a shame we are reduced to being slaves to a fashion industry at all.

    1. I counted seven out of twenty three who don’t seem to have visible makeup . . . I agree the proportion could be more equal, yet, these women aren’t dressing or grooming themselves for my satisfaction, you know? Speaking as somebody who wears minimal makeup on even the most formal occasions (powder and lipstick at most), I have to say whatever makes these women feel awesome, they can rock it. Their job isn’t to mirror my choices and make me feel less alone in life. Their job as humans is just to get on with being themselves, and dress and style themselves in a way that makes THEM feel awesome. Not me.

      That is not slavery, it’s freedom.

    2. Well, I think the article was saying more about not being weighed down by choices that are deemed too young for a woman of a certain age. If you don’t like to wear makeup or dress in fashionable clothing, fine. But I think this article was focusing on women who DO like to get dressed, and wear makeup and feel as glamourous as they can, without worrying about people telling them they are too old for certain styles. In other words, focusing on women who WANT to be stylish and do care how they look, rather than on women who don’t care at all.

  26. When I hit 30 it was a big realization that I really don’t give a fuck what other people think. It was such a weight off to just wear, do and say what I wanted without having too worry how other’s would perceive me. I’m 43 now and just yesterday went out in a short dress with an Alice in Wonderland print and knee socks and guess what…I looked fucking awesome.

    Funny how the under 30’s feel like their opinion matters to those of us who don’t bother caring what they think. Can’t wait until they turn 30 and realize how uptight and foolish they sounded.

    1. I stopped giving a fuck when I turned 30 too. (I’m 34 now). Hands down one of the best things to happen to my life thus far.

  27. I am over 60 and have always been afraid to wear certain things that are fun for fear of being judged…no more!!! Thank You!!

  28. Brava! These beautiful women were an inspiration, as was your article. The next time some patronising, smug 20-something tries to instruct me as to what is and isn’t appropriate for me at ANY age, I will very proudly show them this article and instruct them to fuck off.

  29. It took me to well into my 40’s to realize I simply don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about me. I am perfectly aware of who and what I am. I know my flaws and am willing to admit to them. That being said, I know my strengths as well. Knowing there will always be someone, somewhere, who simply doesn’t like me for some reason or another was a huge stepping stone in my not giving a rats ass on others opinions. Being told by a stranger what I should or shouldn’t do simply means I am incapable of forming my own opinions or expressing myself in my own way. While I enjoy reading those “you shouldn’t do” articles, I am perfectly comfortable in my flattering (or ugly as sin), too short (or long), too white (or black), high heeled (or too flat) whatever I choose to wear that day!

    1. I don’t give a shit riding nor walking what somebody else thinks about what I wear, say or do. The only fucking test I have to pass is the State Boards.

  30. Brilliant, I loved all of these outfits and how they gave such a sense of the wearer. I too read the original article and was one of the eye rollers and ‘fuck you’ readers. I am 33 and rarely a day goes by that someone doesn’t comment (favorably) on what I wear. My signature look consists of short dresses, fabulous hosiery, and shoes so amazing I’m sometimes tempted to put them on the mantelpiece as art 😊

  31. I am 48, short and fat. There are literally 1000’s of articles that tell someone like me what they “should” and “shouldn’t” wear. Short skirts/dresses? fuck yeah! I have KILLER calves! Stripes? fuck yeah… both vertical and horizontal. Jeans? Fuck yeah!

    Honestly, I’ll where what ever the hell I want. Until those authors buy my clothing and pay my rent?… um.. not to sound redundant.. but .. fuck them and their judgemental asses.

  32. So funny, I absolutely loved it. Strong, independent women do not care what anyone thinks. We do as we please with our hair, what we wear, who we love or not. Thank the stars that we are finally free to do so.

  33. Fabulous article! Love the women and their awesome styles! Remember – Don’t always believe everything you think!

  34. Thank you.
    I read her piece of opinionated garbage last week on what we should not own after thirty. It infuriated me to nearly beyond reason. Only my intelligence and maturity, oh, and a slow computer that crashed at the worst (best?) time prevented me from telling her on her Facebook page exactly what I thought of her writing. This is exactly what I meant to say to her.

  35. 6 years ago my sister told me I was too old to wear ruffles. I bought a coat and a dress ad three shirts with ruffles. FUCK. THAT. SHIT.

    1. As a 61 year old young-looking man who refuses to look like every other bland identically dressed man , it is much harder. Apart from a far more limited variety of choice than women to begin with , the conservatism I am faced with hinders my progress . The price I pay for looking even subtly individual has been a lot of time searching for clothes , being ridiculed by friends/family , being abused and shouted at in the street – for something as anodyne as wearing trousers with a print . Another problem is that men are paranoid about wearing anything that could be considered vaguely feminine . I also don’t care about this , and consequently the abuse often reaches another level. Ladies please don’t take for granted the great and unlimited choices you have .

  36. Rock on ladies… At 44 & fabulous I will be for damned if society will put me in any kind of box… I love my cocoa brown skin, kinky fro & killer unconventional fashion sense… (wore a lacey facinator & fingerless red leather gloves complete with a long strand of pearls to church just today… & was a hit)!
    Too hell with all the prudes that want yoga pant their way through life….

  37. I read that article on what not to wear after 30, and it ticked me off about as much as it did you. What makes it more insane to me, is someone from a generation who thinks pajamas are something that should be worn out and about and where the men think it is cool to sag your pants to show your underwear is going to give me fashion advice. Seriously, Kallie Provencher needs to grow the hell up!

  38. Lol, LOVED this article, I shared it on my FB wall….because I do whatever the fuck I want… 8 )

  39. Being 61 I resent the fact that I am classed as a senior .. Fuck that.. I have a brain of a 25 year old and my nieces who are in their 30s love to have a night out with their auntie.. I dress how I want to my shape and not trashy but with some class and love buying clothes.. These small minded people who are throwing stones well tomorrow you will be in your 30s and look out you will know what your stupid comments meant !! Fuck that !!!

  40. Well, fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck. I wear what I feel comfortable in. Don’t care what anyone thinks and my computer could care less what I have on. Tis my life and if you want to critique me, first, you must live what I have been through. So there!

  41. I am 68.wear only one earing most of thé time and when I wear 2 they usually dont match!I also only wear flat shoes (my feet gave up on high heels In my 30rd.) Wear ONLY what I like dont Even bother with m’y husband’s taste !He is never to buy me a pièce of clothes as à gift.I and only I choose .Hé Can pay if hé wishes too LOL.Buy thé way I AM 5’2” hé is 6’2”.

  42. Check out SkullzLondondot com. She makes a great line of clothes like this which I am having a blast wearing at 65+ Fuckin’ A!!

  43. Love this so much.

    I do agree with one thing in the original article though – cheap bras! Although that’s more of an OH&S issue than a fashion. I work from home and I’ve got really hurty boobs when I’m too lazy to wear a bra! Otherwise, I’m a short skirt wearing, rule breaking over 30!

  44. Ok. I love this post. I love the pics. Love you for writing this post and sharing these pics. LOL Awesome! I’m going to wear stripes and flowers tomorrow and I’m 41 wooo hoo!

  45. Wear what we love, wear what we like and screw anyone who doesn’t like it! Women power!!

  46. Couldn’t agree more,
    Embrace your hippy, geek or whatever the hell you like.
    The web isn’t perfect but I love the female solidarity that I’m seeing more and more of 😊

  47. So I HAD to look this Kallie chick up. I’d she for real? I feel like someone’s fucking with me. She looks like she’s 45 (at LEAST over the age of 30) and writes like she’s a columnist for a middle school newspaper. I’m sitting here in my messy bathroom, in my revealing graphic tee taking selfies while looking at her “articles” and Facebook page… Wondering if she’s friends with the Kardashians. She seems to talk about them a lot. I’ve seen them break her selfie and fashion rules many times… So maybe this only applies to us non-Kardashians?
    Or maybe she’s fucking with us. That’s the only logical expaination. 😛

  48. Soooo, I ‘can’t wear my Deadpool T-shirt because I am 57? OH! Maybe I’ll wear it with some leopard print jeans! *snort* As if there is someone who knows all the ‘rules’. Wear what the fuck you want to wear – not matter what age you are.

  49. I turned 70 this year & fuck anyone who dares to tell me that I shouldn’t be wearing certain clothing. I shaved my head & died the stubble hot pink. Last year I had a moment of weirdness when I thought that my hot pink, red, & orange abstract print mini skirt might be too young for me. And then I got over that & I wear it whenever I want. But I’ve never followed fashion rules. When I was growing up in the 1950’s, I hated clothing because there were rules that my sister–the one my father dubbed “the bulldozer”–insisted that I follow. I wasn’t allowed to wear red & purple together, nor green & blue, & oh my word, not orange & pink!! And then I left the nest right about the time that the hippies started taking over & I felt like I was home! I remember one of the first things that I bought was a bright blue dress with a neon green bodice. I made a skirt & a cushion cover for my rocking chair out of the same Madras bedspread. I never think of the things that I wear as clothes; they are costumes to express myself & how I’m thinking or feeling at the time. You go, mama!! Fuck convention!! I’m wearing & doing & saying whatever the fuck I want!!!

  50. No. 11, that’s Shelley of the blog forestcityfashionista.com. She is awesome!! We did this photo shoot when she came to visit Vancouver recently. Check her out; she is so cool. I’m really happy to see her among these other amazing women.

  51. Rock on! I just discovered the store Torrid, and I am, as of today, 48 years old. My clothes break all sorts of this person’s rules.. But I am going to do whatever the fuck I want! Love it!

  52. He’ll yes!! At 70, and a former fashion illusrator, I know exactly what I will
    wear for function, flare, mood, comfort, style and statement! And it will be perfectly beautiful!

  53. Beautifully put! Rules are for breaking, and the older one is, the more one should break them. I’m not keen on leopard print, but I’m 60, and I have a drawer full of band t-shirts. If I start wearing Old Lady clothes…burn them.

  54. At 65 and a widow I wear what I like and am comfortable in. I’m paying for my clothes so why not. Why should anyone else tell me what to wear! Love the article tho!LOL

  55. I just read Kallie Provencher’s list.. cuz usually I dont bother with someone else telling me what I cant wear.. but now that I have read it, its pissing me off… maybe she shouldnt wear her face!!!
    I mean, who died and made her king of fashion? Aaaargh.. it made me so mad..

    On the other hand, your post was so cool, and the ladies feature are so amazing, that I hope Ms Provencher does make the effort to go through it, before she passes judgement on who should wear what..

  56. First laugh out loud of the day and a palpable hit to the forces of banal evil. Thank you! I think my leopardprint minidress is due for an outing. So that my middle-aged knees can strike spears of pure cold terror into the heart of any Provencherites out there.

  57. Reblogged this on Kim A Howard and commented:
    I love this response to all those articles about what woman of a certain age should do or wear. I’ve never taken them very seriously as I didn’t do/wear most of the things they list when I was younger. Don’t follow the crowds or the fashions. As long as your actions cause no harm do/wear whatever pleases you.

  58. Shame Sue Kreitzman isn’t featured here – she is a real inspiration in wearing whatever you want ♡

  59. Reblogged this on Charlie-Helen Robinson and commented:
    OMG this article is “simply the best”. You MUST read it. I will apologise in advance for the swear word – simply because I don’t like sweary bear words online.

    But, it’s also very true yes, I am a little tired of all the stereotyping lately. I’ve left an era where I had to dress in classic fad and have blonde hair to be approved of (why did I? Another long story), to enter an era where people are telling me to “act my age”. Urgh.

    Time’s up folks.

    Time to realise age is in YOUR head. Not mine.

    I’m just here having a good life. Well trying.

    Thanks /rantover

    Much love and light to your all. Namaste xx

    1. Quick get me something leopard print to put on my body…sakes alive! Someone hand me my hoops and platform boots so I can look amazing stomping all over your little boxes you want older women to fit in…..missy… The pictures in this article are amazing. For that matter most ladies everywhere are pretty much rocking it. look around .. Whitness the lack of fucks we give, confidently running this shit.

  60. There are only two rules I follow. What’s the weather for today, and where am I going? Rock on, ladies!! I look forward to being you when I grow up!!

    1. Got my paisley mud boots for Memphis blues, and a swirling short dancing dress for a wedding, and tons of compliments for my size 18, happy 68 y.o. self. Glad I abandoned the gray mud shoes and appropriate black mid calf officiant garb.

  61. Thank you and FUCK those kids who are under 40 and telling us what to do! I am so tired of being told your not allowed to grow old and you must fight it and yet act your age fuck them all!

  62. I’m 51 going on 100, find the best clothes at Goodwill (although Hot Topic is a favorite for regular retail), & have a husband who loves that I can still rock whatever style in the world I want! This article has given me some great ideas outside my usual “broad as the horizon” box…

  63. Excellent piece – really liked it. Now one for the Boys over 30. Under no circumstances turn up at Newcastle Central Station dressed like Jason King from the hit seventies TV series ‘Department S’ or you’ll be chased all the way back to London by the EDL!
    (Councillor Stephen Lambert, Newcastle City Council: Style icon and Pensionista)

  64. Quick get me something leopard print to put on my body…sakes alive! Someone hand me my hoops and platform boots so I can look amazing stomping all over your little boxes you want older women to fit in…..missy… The pictures in this article are amazing. For that matter most ladies everywhere are pretty much rocking it. look around .. Whitness the lack of fucks we give, confidently running this shit.

  65. It is all about self expression and freedom to choose… The day that I stop wearing and doing what I want to express myself- I will be in the big oven.

  66. 46 years old and have autism and have been wearing patriotic things since 9/11/01. I am know for wearing them. In fact I do have a flag vest and tie combo that I wear with a black shirt and black jeans and black boots. I have a hair bow and backpack purse to match the vest and tie. I call that my Ms.Smith goes to Washington outfit.

    1. I’ve wanted to so bad to tell the author that women over 30 have long since lost the ability to give any fucks to people like her and their insipid list of no-nos, which invalidates her opinion and article if you ask me. Thank you so much for this article!!!

  67. Advantages of being small enough to fit into children’s clothes: rainbows, zebra prints, and sparkles. Lots of sparkles!! Turning 30 this month and not stopping!

  68. Love this! thank you as someone well over 30…so with you. Wear whatever the F*ck you want ladies and have a ball. shared. shared and shared. reblogged. what else can I do? Keep playing!

  69. First of all, thank you for including the photo of me that my friend Melanie posted on her blog, Bag and a Beret. My blog is http://www.forestcityfashionista.com, and the dress I’m wearing was thrifted. I am thrilled to be in such awesome company in this post, especially when I know some of other women whose photos are included.

    I am sooooo sick of all the articles with the theme of “What not to wear when you’re…..”. Hell yes, the most interesting women I know wear whatever the fuck they want.

      1. Shelley is absolutely fabulous! I posted a comment last night identifying her and her blog and explaining our photo shoot, but the blogosphere swallowed it! Hurrah for your post and women who follow their own voice.

      2. I got your email! Sorry for the missed comment, I’m overwhelmed with how much people love this post! So many comments! I will update and link accordingly, thank you so much!!💕

      3. Yes, by all means go ahead and include a link to my blog. I will be posting more photos from the shoot that the one you used came from in the next day or so.

      4. WOW – the response here is overwhelming! LOVE IT! Sorry for thinking my comment went missing – it was just stuck in traffic. Hahaha!

  70. Reblogged this on Fines Creek and commented:
    I came across this post no FB and loved it so much, I decided.to share it with you.
    It is true. Nobody is going to tell me now, what or what not to do/ wear/ eat!
    Have a great week!

  71. Loved it! I read Kallie’s sad “article” and I couldn’t answer better myself. Good job!

  72. Slightly insulted that so many of the ‘women over thirty can wear whatever the f*ck they want’ are so clearly very far beyond the age the age of 30… Some of these women could have easily fit in to the ‘women over 50/60 category’ not that i’m disparaging their fashion choice or right to wear ‘whatever they want’ or that they are in fact ‘over 30’; but if you’re specifying 30 as the age to not give a f*ck – more women in their early thirties would have been appreciated!!! I don’t want to feel like i have another 30 years until i have the right to behave as carefree as a ‘woman over thirty’ should…

    1. I think you’re kind of missing the point. The ages of these women range from 30 to 90 years old. If that’s what you take away from this post, I encourage you to reevaluate and perhaps give it another read. The point is, people need to STOP telling women what they can do, at any age! This particular post is entitled as such because it is a spinoff of the original “article” that inspired it. Nothing more.

      1. You are definitely missing the point. Perhaps at 40, 50, 60 or 80 you won’t!

      2. Had I ever needed validation for my lifestyle from anyone ever, this would have been it. I dress for comfort & practicality, often wielding a machete in the brush during the day, then going out for cocktails with my husband & friends in the early evening. Just shower & change-I “clean up good”. Those early years of being a “stay-at-home” mom paid off big time! Also-I don’t care HOW fabulous those shoes are; if I can’t run through the airport in them, I’m not buying them.

    2. In case you can’t see it, 50 and 60 are both over 30. The point is, you don’t need anyone to tell you what to wear, or how to behave. You shouldn’t ever feel the need to wait to “have the right to behave as carefree” as anyone else. Do it. For yourself. No matter what your age. ❤️

  73. Iris is my hero.. 3 necklaces or you are underdone. Everyone needs to see the Iris Documentary. On Netflix.. a must

  74. I totally agree! As a young 67 yr old I would like to have the guts to wear whatever I’m comfortable and happy in…your article is very supportive and a tremdous confidence booster! Bravo!

  75. I am over 30 and i worn like i am been wearing now for years is cotton trousers, T Shirt and a acrylic jumper with flat bumpers and ankle socks, and i am reaching 60 in July i get plenty of good comments the way i dress so i am not bothered to change.

  76. Funny, I was actually discussing yesterday that very article on RantChic that I had read a couple of years ago and thought, “Wow, this chick is clueless.” Is she even in her 30s? I’ll bet she’s 25 and when she’s 30, she’ll look back and seriously rethink those articles.

    I’m rereading it now and I spotted something that I’m wearing this very day: hoop earrings. And they look damn good on me.

  77. YESSSSS but can we please include some spanx or some other type of under garment foundation on top of anything we want..! Some of us are walking around thinking its cute with a watery ass and jiggly tummy! No thanks 😩😩😩 at least if you’re going wear what you want like fab in it!

    1. What someone’s body looks like is of no concern to anyone else! The point of this post is that a woman should be able to wear what she wants, no matter what! If that means Spanx, cool! If not, also cool. I do not dress my body to suit the desires of other people

    2. If I wanna let it all hang out, it’s hung out. Beware of jiggles. They aren’t there because I think it’s cute, they’re there because they’re ME. >:D I dress for myself, not anyone else. (Possibly also for local decency laws.)

  78. Hear, fucking hear! I turned 40 just a little while ago and I’ve been wearing whatever the fuck I like since I was a kid – I was NEVER “in fashion” or “trendy” and I don’t GIVE A FLYING HOOHAAH. 🙂

    Thanks for this article! Made my day!

  79. Yes! Just…yes! I can only HOPE I look as fucking amazing as some as these ladies when I get older. I’m 33 years old and have seemingly broken at least 20 of the bullshit ‘what not to wear’ suggestions.

  80. Luv the photos & the inspiration, but I do find it a little ironic that all of the outfits in the pics u displayed within ur article are following the woman’s “not after 30” rules. Except for the 1 graphic tee. I do love the premise & point of the article tho. I totally agree. Would’ve loved to hv seen pics of beauties breaking all of her rules.

    1. I definitely did my best to highlight as many fun, fierce and fantastic women as possible! I didn’t want to copy her post directly, but mimic it to make a larger point! 💕

    1. Right?! When i read the headline, i was ticked. Was about to go through my phone to post her picture but saw the author made the point for me with 24 other beautiful examples. I think shes in her 80s now. I thought 82 or 84. Phenomenal. Gorgeous.

    1. My only regret is that there were only 24 on the list! There are so many incredible women that I want to include, and you are so right! RBG is truly a fantastic, strong woman!

  81. Yes yes and YES! Thank you for this! That article ticked me off, so I’m glad that you put together a beautiful rebuttal.

  82. It seems like those articles are always written by someone in their early 20’s. Talk about being ageist. I’m 42, and wear whatever I damn well please because I give zero fucks!

  83. LOOOOOOOOOVE IT – I’ve been there all the way, since attending my first jumble sale on my own around 7 yrs old: 35 yrs of wild heels, kitsch handbags, shaved and multi-coloured hair, every kind of fishnet tights, bikinis, happy flouncy colourful skirts, bright jackets, big plastic jewellery and leather briefcases later, and still going STRONG – rock on, women!! 😀 xxxx

  84. This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. I’m quickly approaching my 40th birthday and was starting to question my wardrobe choices because they’re more “appropriate” for a teen girl than someone “my age”. But you know what? I like my nerdy t-shirts and jeans. So to heck with everyone else!

  85. “Life’s a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. Live. Live. Live!”

    Oh how I adore Auntie Mame

  86. I say, wear whatever you want, as long as you are comfortable in it, wear it. Don’t worry what others may think.

  87. I’m only 27 right now, as I’m going to be 30 in three years and over 30 in four. I felt that this article was saying exactly what needed to be said. I hate it when people say you can’t wear something because of your age. Wear what you want, because you want to wear it. I may not think it looks good, but I won’t say anything about it. I think that everyone can wear what they want regardless of the celebrity or not. Ladies keep wearing the things you love.

  88. Yes, yes, yes!!!! Wear and say and do whatever the fuck you want! Leave a mark on the earth, and make it a good one!

  89. Great post! I feel like I’ve worn more of whatever I want since turning 30. Less fitting in and more comfort and creativity. The titles of those other “articles” sound very old school. Let’s all keep moving forward and being free 🙂

  90. Only problem I see with this list is that it doesn’t include a photo of a post-30 woman wearing the *dreaded* short skirt!!! 😄

  91. Things women should stop wearing at any age? Insecurity about their clothes!

    Anyone else up for assembling an outfit containing as many of the 20 items as possible, and still looking divine? Think am in possession of 15 and can improvise a further 2.

  92. Seeing so many stylish, attractive & accomplished women on one page reminded me of how amazing and diverse the world is!

    It also brought to mind that I haven’t bought a fashion magazine in AGES…could it be that the cover models do not interest me as these women would? Fashion industry…take note!!!

  93. Thank you! I read that”article” some time ago, and shuddered at the overblown importance some people give to their young selves before they are old enough to have learned anything about life and think the world revolves around them. On behalf of the millions of women who have rolled their eyes over her errant ignorance, I sincerely hope someone stalks that little twit when she turns 30 to see what she is wearing and Facebooks a pictorial. I would bet she is one of the most scorned women on Facebook. Now, pardon me while I go put on my leopard graphic tee and my hoop earrings.

    1. Iris is my hero. There is a wonderful documentary about her. She has encouraged me to layer and wear as much jewelry at once as I want. At thre quarters of a century old am more sure than ever I will be myself, no matter what others may think.

  94. Love, love, love! At 48, I feel like I should be able to wear whatever my spirit feels that day as long as my hoo-ha is not hanging out! Great-effing article!

  95. And as for the comment you seem to think was deleted, perhaps you should know that this post has amassed 700,000 views and hundreds of comments in less than 48 hours. It’s been shared thousands of times. Sorry that you got lost in the chaos, but frankly, it appears that it was for the best.

    1. And who, exactly, is Kallie Provencher? And what has she done in her life? Should I know who she is? If not, why is she telling ME how to dress?

  96. Brilliant message to young girls. Whatever clothes you like they do not make you a nerd, a tart, a tramp, a victim and certainly not a man. WE ARE WOMEN

  97. i always had my own mind regarding clothes, starting at school by wearing skirts when everybody else was wearing jeans. ripping the shoulder pads out of things i liked in the eighties or wearing my old hippy things from the seventies. have to look slightly conventional when teaching at school, but accessoires can even ruin that 😉

  98. Although I agree with being able to wear what makes you look and feel good. A true ladies is modest and doesn’t use the “F” word. We have lost our class as a society and embrace things that are crude, shameless.

    1. Lisa, the point of this post is that you do not get to dictate what makes a woman a woman. You may live by your own ideals, and that is perfectly fine. But you do not get to push those ideals onto women as a whole! And frankly, the idea of “modest and ladylike” is just another way that women are told to sit down, cover up, and shut up.

      We stand for originality, and fierceness. And we certainly won’t be tone-policed!

      1. I completely agree! The women in my family definitely do what they want are the fiercest women-warriors I know. After perusing these amazing photos, I am even tempted to switch sides! Beautiful, sexy, and classy. ALL OF THEM!

      2. I AM A WOMAN OVER 30 and I don’t need anyone to define me by the cloths a wear, the food I eat or they words I use. I am amazed everyday by other AMAZING women.

      3. Fuck and Yes! I’m a grown woman, and I don’t need anyone telling me what to wear or what to say.

      4. I am a 33 year old mother of two elementary aged children and I have to deal with the whole “she shouldn’t be wearing/saying/doing that” mentality from my biyfriend’s exes ENTIRE family and to that I say “FUCK OFF!”
        I’m an adult, I’m allowed to make my own decisions and say what I want with out worrying about someone in their late 30’s, 60’s, and 80’s who knows nothing about being an individual chiming in. Women are amazing, powerful, beautiful creatures and NO ONE else is allowed to dictate what we say/do/wear.

    2. What is a “true ladies[sic]”? “True” according to whom? And what do you mean by “shameless”? What exactly should we be ashamed of? It seems to me that you’re just parroting some fucking bullshit you heard from your grandmother and never gave a moment’s thought to its real implications.

    3. I call bull 🙂 there is nothing unreal about me and I say fuck when it feels right, like when I stump my toe against the table. Most definitely not going to let someone else define what makes a real woman or lady…

    4. Although I absolutely loved this article and totally agree with what you’re saying, I would like to stick up for Lisa. I don’t use the “F” word either and – call me old-fashioned! – don’t particularly like to hear other people using it. It’s possibly a generation thing (I’m 68, don’t know how old Lisa is) so please bear with us. After all, if you have the right to use the “F” word whenever you want, we should have the right to say we don’t like to hear it! Unless you’ve just stubbed your toe, when it’s forgiveable! lol

      1. You seem confused. You are certainly allowed to say that you don’t like the “f word.” There is an enormous difference between simply saying that you don’t like the word and saying that others are not “true ladies” because they do use it. Do you really not see that?

      2. Say whatever you want to say, or don’t. That’s your right. But it’s everyone else’s right too, so don’t walk around acting like somebody handed you a badge and made you language police.

        Also, please don’t imagine advanced age has anything to do with your reticence. If anything, you can observe a higher rate of prudishness in the young, who are still at a stage where it is more developmentally appropriate for them to police the actions of others in an effort to enforce social conformity.

        Some people never mature beyond that particular stage, but thankfully, most do. My grandmother is almost 87 and in full possession of her wits and an expansive vocabulary, which she does not stint to use. If anyone had the almighty gall to “forgive” her for dropping an F bomb, she’d like as not tell them to get their head out of their ass.

      3. You are amazing. And your grandmother sounds incredible! Seriously, thank you for this. The language police certainly missed the point of the post, but I tire of tying to explain to people who just aren’t getting it. 💕

  99. Reblogged this on tangobites and commented:
    I know what you’re thinking: this has nothing to do with tango. Or, does it? Why yes it DOES!

    Too often at tango I hear from teachers, from fellow dancers (ESPECIALLY THE MEN) what they believe women should do, what we shouldn’t do, and yes, they even have opinions on what we should wear. I love this post – all the women in it look fabulous, in so many different and fascinating ways. Here’s to gorgeous, show-stopping diversity and the sheer joy of expressing yourself!

  100. Reblogged this on StyleSaVie and commented:
    Sometimes the fewer words, the better. I love this blogger’s canned comment, captioning each photo with the obvious, but VERY important message. Go check her out!

  101. I’m way, way, way over 30. I can finally get these same duds out of the recycling bags.
    Thanks. I feel better now.

  102. Perhaps Ms. Provencher (or maybe she would prefer ‘Miss”?) will begin wearing matronly, modest attire when she inevitably crosses that 30 year mark? Lawd, let me live to see that day…I want pictures!

  103. Mmmm, but all these women are wearing very expensive duds. So that’s making a judgement right there. Where’s the blue collar mom rocking her fleece jacket, jeans she still wears from 1990s and Nikes she bought at the consignment store?

    1. Totally agree! And those duds can and are fierce and fantastic, I was using famous names to illustrate a point (as well as avoid invading someone’s privacy! Using more famous names avoids that all together!)💕

      1. So famous people wouldn’t wear this poorer woman’s outfit, then? I’m just saying that there are many women out there who would love to be able to say they don’t give a fig what people think of what they wear, but theyre just clothing themselves from a Goodwill bin and don’t have time to “care.”

      2. If you can find me a “poorer woman” who is okay having her face and name put out there for three quarters of a million people to see, I am happy to include her (and any other strong, fabulous woman like her) in this post. I understand where you’re coming from, but if you are choosing to take this post into a different direction, you’re missing the point.

        The point, which is very simple: EVERY woman should wear WHAT she wants, WHEN she wants, and not be told by anyone that she shouldn’t–not because of her age, not because of anything.

    2. You need to take another look, Norma…I could easily duplicate the Annie Lebowitz (and several other looks) for less than $40.00 at my local thrift store. Nothing special about jeans, a classic shirt, and a blazer. I do LOVE my fleece jackets and vests though!

      1. The two reasons I shop at Goodwill: Saving money and so I WON’T look like everyone else. And when I retire, I’ll have more time to sew my own creations again.

    3. Are you kidding? Jeans, t-shirt and a jacket? A white skirt and a top? I have all that in my closet. Who cares who made them and what theirs cost. This was brilliantly inspirational and fun. I know there were many expensive dressed as well. But that doesn’t take away from the message

  104. Sorry, but Iris Apfel is just plain hideous and gaudy. I see her on one of those home shopping networks and she is ALWAYS wearing way too much. And those glasses! I believe she would hang an anchor around her neck if she thought she could carry it! About the only one of the ladies that I didn’t approve of. Tone it down, Iris.

    1. I’m sorry, but there is nothing hideous or gaudy about a strong, independent woman doing what makes her heart happy. And you should be ashamed of yourself for being one of the few people to pass such nasty judgement. We as women should be SUPPORTING one another.

    2. Iris Apfel is my role model, ever since I saw the exhibit of her fashion collection at the Metropolitan Museum Costume galleries. There’s a difference between fashion and style, and she’s got style. She carries it off with attitude. She also has an amazing story behind it all, worth checking out the documentary about her life. She’s brazen and bold, doesn’t give a fig what other people think, and is having the time of her life. We should all be so confident. And PS, I rock a pair of black-framed glasses and get compliments all the time (and mistaken for being a Parisien when in Paris).

    3. Are you really “sorry”? I think not. I believe that’s probably how you start out to excuse yourself ahead of time for viciously attacking another person on a very personal level. You jumped on the opportunity to publicly hate on a woman whose fashion sensibilities you don’t share and don’t like, and in doing so, inadvertently outted yourself as being a part of the problem against which the author is railing on behalf of ALL women. If that’s the case, please close your mouth and continue to miss the entire point of the article in silence.

    4. That’s exactly why she is an icon & f–g brilliant at what she wears,,, she’s comfy & has pazzaz live & let be 😜😜😜

      These women already all solid rock – luv em ♥️♥️♥️

  105. Great, great advice for all women, but where is the same advice for men ??? I know I CAN where what I like, but why isn’t it being said out loud like this. I’d love to just go out dressed like Beatrix Ost, but can’t face the aggro…..

  106. I love boldness, shyness, jeans and T-shirt, dressed to the nines and then some. I do not like cultural appropriation, i.e. the pseudo tallit in #14. That is religious garb worn by religious Jews. It is not something to play with. How about a burka in silk and suede? No? Then don’t mess with a tallit either.

    1. That’s a poncho though. Or just a very large blouse. Yes there are stripes, but they don’t go all the way across, the top is not open at the front, and there doesn’t appear to be fringe? I apologize if I am missing something, but I don’t see this as anything other than a loose poncho-like top, something found in a very large number of cultures, as either draping a rectangle over one’s shoulders or cutting a hole in that rectangle and putting it over your head is a pretty straightforward method of early clothing design.

  107. I love that you included strong women of all ethnicities. I agree a woman should be able to wear what she wants. Women have spent too much time competing with each other and not enough time making each other stronger. Women need to start standing together and helping each other become stronger. We need to support each other and strengthen and inspire each other. We are not and should not compete with each other.

  108. I used to wear patterned stockings back in the late 60’s now I am in my late 60’s and don’t need patterned stockings, the varicose veins take their place! Laugh til I burst!

  109. Re-shared on Facebook with the following comment:

    Normally I try to avoid articles about how people should look and dress. I also try to avoid telling other people that some behavior is mandatory. I might suggest things like “I wish you’d treat people with more compassion and less contempt” but I’m not ready to pass laws or be overly prescriptive. I also try to duck the “mansplaining” tag by avoiding giving advice specifically to women. However, in this case there’s a bit of male privilege and patriarchy involved so the advice is necessarily gender biased and it’s some of the best advice I’ve seen. For all these reasons and dozens more I’ll make an exception this one time to say to my women friends and with unusual conviction: you *must* follow the advice in this article.

    (And isn’t Iris Apfel AMAZING in that photo?)

  110. Nothing wrong with saying Fuck…. it’s a powerful word that no other word can convey the emotion behind it…

  111. Reblogged this on Yellowstar Essentials Blog and commented:
    I just had to share this post. You know all those articles that say women shouldn’t wear this, or no white after memorial day…or whatever.
    This one is for you…
    …for ALL WOMEN…
    at ANY age. …especially women over 30…

    Read and pass it on !!

  112. Thank you – silly things I see on the internet usually don’t bother me but that article you reference about what women over a certain ago should wear actually upset and angered me. You have restored the equilibrium in my world. Thank you.

  113. I love your article but don’t like the profanity. it spoils an otherwise great article with wonderful, outstanding photos. I remember my daughter telling me some years ago that I was too old to wear sparkles. I was surprised and of course didn’t listen to he [normally good] fashion advice. I still live a little sparkle hear and there, now and then.

    1. I am happy to hear that you didn’t let anyone dull your sparkle! Anyone who wants to shine (be it figuratively or literally!) should be allowed to without trouble from naysayers!

  114. No fucks given.

    I live in a place where women can’t afford to own much – least of all fancy clothing. But when they do, mercy, watch out world!

  115. I’ve always believed that you should wear whatever makes YOU feel good. That’s different for everyone. As long as it’s not offensive graphic shirts that tells the world off or full or racial comments, the sky’s the limit. Express yourself!

  116. I reblogged this on Coffee and a Word blog for life as a 30 Something! I could not have put it better myself. I also happen to like a blue jean miniskirt with a graphic tee at 35, and that’s okay by me! Thank you for putting together such an incredible collection of powerful women.

  117. I love everything about this article. Shared within a heartbeat! ❤ You know, all women under 30 should wear the exact same thing! Thank you for this!

  118. Brava!
    As an over 40 man, I couldn’t be less concerned with how my lady dresses; it’s how she lives her life and treats her fellow humans that matters to me. Her clothes are part of her self-expression, how could anyone deign to stifle that?
    Pertaining to the use of the word Fuck, if someone is offended by a sound, a simple amalgam of letters, that is simply because they choose to be. There is no logical reason for a sound to offend, on its own. No word is inherently offensive, only the intent behind its use can be judged. I promise you, I can be infinitely more offensive using ” pretty” words, were I so inclined.

  119. I appreciate the message behind this post, which is to be yourself. So many of us downplay and/or shield who we really are for fear of ridicule, stares, being talked about, laughed at, etc.. Let’s be confident in who WE are so that we can appreciate each other’s uniqueness (because we each are unique individuals) and celebrate each other. Thanks for putting this together!

      1. If you want to assemble some women who don’t have fabulous clothes but stil want to look fabulous – please include me! We can do this same shoot again but with “regular” women. You issued the invite and I am accepting!

  120. Iris is an icon and an inspiration. I hope I live to be her age and have her confidence. You on the other hand. Blah….

  121. The one thing no woman over 30 should ever wear: the weight of someone else’s insecurities presented as judgement!

  122. Sorry Beverly, I think you completely missed the point of the article, but bless your heart anyway.

  123. I’m 48 and wear whatever the fuck I want when I want. Well-behaved women seldom make history – said by some broad smarter than me.

  124. this kallie chick is gonna be one boring old lady…it will be funny to see if she will follow her own advice

  125. I read both this and the article it is a respons to… well, actually I didn’t make past 19 in the other article… still, it is rather obvious that this one is the more well thought through of the two.

  126. considering that most of our lives take place after 30, this kallie chick is gonna be one boring old lady… i’m 58, so all you sensitive types don’t get all hurt about the old lady thing…i’m am one myself…and i piss some people off with my hot pink sequined bikini…oh well…it’s my opinion that if its not hurting anyone…then do what you want…life is short and there’s no guarantee that you will have the chance to be you tomorrow…

    1. Oh gee, they tell you when your young who to be what to wear how to act. It continues into forever if you allow it.

      Be you, love you, dress yourself kindly, you deserve it!

  127. I love this!!! Good show! I too read the article that you’re referring to and I too was appalled by her sense of Godliness, lording over older women and dictating “Thou shalt not!” I’m glad you wrote this. And, I’ve got a little secret I’ll share with you that made me giggle in reference to Kallie’s article in spite of it’s idiocy… she too will some day be over 30. Mwah ha haaaaaa!!!!

  128. Fabulous. I’m 45 and always wear what I like . It’s good to be you and be individual in a world where we must conform to certain rules of society . Xxx

  129. LOVE this article!
    I saw that other “article” you’re talking about. It was absolutely ridiculous!

  130. What should women wear when they are retired and life changes for them including income and opportunities? I love all the looks of those with lots of money for clothes and opportunities to go to do lovely things. Honestly, it is much simpler for the common folk when they get dressed in the morning. Wear what is most comfortable for the activities of the day. It also should be something one had time to wash and dry so that it is clean. Clothing should cover whatever needs to be covered; be well-groomed in any case. That’s about it. In other words, wear what you damn please and ignore anyone who stares at you. It won’t make one whit of difference in your life if someone is shocked, offended, critical or otherwise annoyed. It is wasted time in a life growing shorter by the day to care about what other people think.

    1. With some creativity, you can find things just as awesome at discount or thrift stores or even online, that are much cheaper. But still, the point is do what’s comfortable for you and your tastes and lifestyle. Life is what you make it. 🙂

    1. Perfectly put! And if you are comfortable and feel beautiful in what you wear – you will project that. I am 61 and I wear what I want.
      I will share that with my friends, 4 of us are meeting up after 30 plus years in Vegas for fun and what they should wear (appropriate) is a concern for a couple.

  131. Yes, why do we always have to be given limitations after a certain age on how and what to wear? I’ve got a very worn and tattered house dress that’s older than my 30 yr old daughter, which i still wear! I love the comfort of it and the memories that come flooding me when I remember the days I was still breastfeeding her in it!

    1. My hubby is almost 61, we are adopting 2 girls aged 14 and 11. He says to me when we go shopping for them, “I get that this outfit is good for school, but what will THEY LIKE???” We need more men in life like this.

  132. I just plainly love you. Wonder why this obsession with over-30 like, is there an island of misfits we go to? or from knowing how to wear animal print (because her thesis assumes that EVERYONE before-30 knows how to) we go senile and forget?

  133. It’s time to pull out those metallic blue Doc Martin boots I’ve been afraid to wear!

    1. Do it! I’m 55 and wear a pair of purple Doc Martins my kids bought me for my birthday a few years ago, that I wanted. You don’t like it, don’t look.

  134. I will be 47 tomorrow and I wear whatever the fuck I want and is comfortable. I dont give two shits what people think. I have tattoos too so I really don’t care if people dont like what they see. Answer is simple really…… Dont like what I’m wearing or my tattoos then DON’T LOOK. Simple as that. Rock on all you beautify ladies over 30 and keep on wearing what ever the fuck you want!!! 😘

  135. I’m 70 but mentally still 35 – I can’t wear fuddy Mumsy clothes it just aint me!! I used to try very hard to fit in life is too short to give a dam!!

    1. This made me laugh, mostly because I am in my thirties and I have dressed like somebody’s stereotypical maiden auntie since I was about seven years old! My sister fondly calls my style “granny chic” though I think she is generous to term it “chic.”

      Life’s just too short to worry about squeezing ourselves into a mould that was never cast to fit us in the first place. Wear what you want, and enjoy it!

    1. Confidence and fearlessness take time and practice! As someone who dresses somewhat alternatively (full pinup girl, victory rolls and all!), I understand. Fake it until you make it, you lovely woman!

  136. Kallie Provencher must be under 30. And what about the Red Hat ladies with their red hats and purple dresses?! ONe of the great, great things about being “a certain age” is not giving a damn what the young twits think of our clothes and other things.

  137. I LOVE this post and I’m sharing it with all the women I love, including my 14yr old daughter!!! But why on earth is Vivienne Westwood not on this list – a crime! 😉 Looking forward to the sequel.

  138. Bravo! So well said and illustrated! I would love to see another one with women over 30 showing some skin…the aforementioned short skirts, cleavage, etc. It seems to really get some people’s dander up when they see post-pubescent females showing flesh.

  139. I just turned 46 June 4th. I love big funky jewelry, funky shoes and I have spiky platinum blonde hair with blue bangs. I’m quite happy. Wear what makes you smile when you look in the mirror.

  140. 100% agree and would like to add to the photo collection a host of over-30 women wearing super short skirts, Lycra, plunging neck-lines & animal prints. Whatever the fuck they want means exactly that.

  141. this is so great…rock on!!! I love this shit!!!! Spoken like a true Jersey Girl…..whatever the fuck they want….

  142. Today I’m wearing a black lace dress over leggings and red boots. Perfect attire for heading into the paddock to set up an electric fence. I might even hike up the dress and ride my horse bareback. I’m 47 and wearing this outfit because . . . I like to wear whatever the fuck I want. It’s a boring, homogenised world when you allow yourself to be restricted by the fun police!

  143. Love this piece. Sick of people telling us what’s “age-appropriate” …or just appropriate. Great great piece.

      1. The ones that make you happy and look good on you. You get to make your own decisions about color (match your outfit or clash), style (classic, trendy, artistic…), and scale (small and tasteful, big and bold…) and create your own personal statement.

        About the only actual don’t I can think of: don’t wear earrings big enough to drag on your shoulders. (I have to pass on really big ones because I have a short neck.) And now I expect somebody to tell me that they wear them that way and make it work!

    1. Yes, Yes and Yes! She doesn’t realize that she “messed” with the wrong age group! At the great ages that we all are at, there is amazing freedom. That little girl needs to sit down. By the way, I rock my hoop earrings!

    2. Where are the women who look ~30? The ladies here are gorgeous, but using the number 30 in the title and including folks who look 45 and older is strange. Rock on, girls.

      1. Not sure you quite got this. The age group they’re talking about here is 30-130. Cause we’re all pretty much the same you know.

    3. I am 50 and I have One Life and wear whatever I like, however I like with whatever combinations I am comfortable with. I do not need anyone dictating to me, if they do not like what I am wearing, they are most welcome to close their eyes and ….of course I choose not to bother about such comments. I am happy! whether anyone likes how I look or what I wear or not, I choose to live with – happy and contented Self:)

  144. Bravo to you! That Kallie b*tch sounds like a f*cking prude. Although I’m curious to see what she wrote, I’m steering clear of her articles because I don’t want to be angered by her opinion.

    She sounds like E!’s stupid “Fashion Police” — on one hand they’ll say, “hey, if you got the body, rock it…”, then turn around and say, “yeah, she’s a bit too old to be showing her midriff.” ugh.

    1. Only problem is, with your response, it’s falling onto the trap of hating on a woman. So she’s made a comment that’s based on a narrow perspective, okay. Calling woman bitches be it by a woman or a man, puts us into the same category as those who hurt others. How about using your class and elegance as teacher? I’m sure you care and that’s what needs to lead.

  145. I’m 50 and I wear what the fuck I want, when the the fuck I want, how the fuck I want, and don’t need a fucking “how to” manual from some idiot worrying about 30 year olds.

    1. Roadrunner…rock on, sister! I’m 49 and one-half, on my way to the 5-0, and no one’s telling me what, when, or how…NOW, that’s for dang sure. I’ve raised my children to be solid, assured, good individuals, I’m not about to fade away just because of my age! I’m finally ready to Fly!

    2. Well said. Im 21 and Ive always worn whatever I fucking wanted, when I fucking wanted and how I fucking wanted. My hair is long and completely grey (shock, horror, gasp!! haha) and I fucking rock! After just having a gander at this twit Kallie Provencher’s website all I can say is bahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

  146. I love this post! ❤️ I strongly believe that we should not have to endure anyone dictating to us what we should and should not wear, how to have our hair or makeup. Who even made up these ‘rules’ anyway? Instead, we should be able to express our personal tastes and individuality. I agree with you that we should support each other and wear whatever we want.

  147. Hell yeah. I like this article more. I will proudly wear my graphic Tee while wearing a scrunchy AND playing my personal gaming system. I am over 30. I am going to do what I want. It is called being an adult.

  148. OMGosh! I’m a proud to be 75 1/2 yr old woman, with snow white hair (and proud of it) that I wesr b in a stylish casual cut – length just below my ears, blow-dry and Go! Today I wore navy leggins, lt.blue tennis shoes, white/lt.blue stripes that came to mid-thigh, silver jewelry-minmal. Comfortable, stylish husband of 54 yrs.& I walked around mall holding hands. In store sales person & I visiting, I mentioned about being older – she said your not nold – I told her my age, she called two others over & asked them to guess my age – 56 was oldest. Told them – open-mouth stunned. So I dress to be comfortable, feel good about myself & to look nice when I am out!

  149. What women under 40 fail to understand is we are past giving a fuck what anyone else thinks. 😂 I wear what makes me feel good … Someone else’s opinion belongs to them… No where does it say I must agree to their standards . Be brave … Love you.

  150. The last thing any woman my age should do, is take advice from a self righteous 20 something. When Kallie grows up she’ll understand. Maybe.

  151. Yea, and how old is this Kallie chickadee anyway – over or under 30?! Thank you for clearing the air and providing the delicious pix.

  152. Reblogged this on A Red Lip And A Nude Shoe and commented:
    Jessica’s post is so spot on I bloody wish I wrote this!! Could not have said it better myself – “Wear what you want, do what you want, and support one another! And like all of these fabulous ladies, don’t give a fuck.”

  153. I once wrote a blog (actually repeated it 3 times) on Humoring the Goddess about Fashion Faux Pas for women over 50 (http://wp.me/p1pIBL-1kO) which included pigtails, velvety purple leggings, and chugga boots with shorts. Now with your refreshing article, I am going to write a brand new one, and include a link to here. You’ve got it right, baby!

  154. Bravo! Great article! I think we should all be totally eliminated by the time we’re over 30 and we should not give a rat’s patootie about what anybody thinks! Thanks for reminding us of that! We are fierce and independent women and we have earned the right to do, say, wear whatever the heck we want!!

  155. There are enough men out there tearing us down we don’t need our own kind crushing our spirit. Won’t pretend to be happy about getting older and older, but one of the benefits is the realization that I don’t give as much of a fuck anymore what others think of how I think, how I live, what I do, what I say and especially… what I wear! Oh….and how I do or don’t do my hair or my makeup…lol.

  156. I don’t give a D what anyone I always wear what ever the F I want I have done that all of my life

  157. Yeah I wear what ever I want. I don’t go by these age things. I’m 52 and get clothes from my daughter ñ law who is in her 20 ‘s so if it fits I wear it. I like to dress sexy in a stylish way.

  158. I dare Kallie to tell Dame Helen Mirren what she can and cannot wear!! Helen is a badass and I want to be like her when I grow up. 😉

  159. Reblogged this on raincoaster and commented:
    Copy all of this! I did finally donate my Laura Ashley sailor collared dress with the big bow, and also my blue pinwale pinafore, but hey, I didn’t fit either of them anymore anyway.

  160. “when i am old, i will wear a purple dress with a red hat, which doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me…”

    jenny joseph, “warning” 1961. (also known as “the angry old woman” and “the red hat poem.)

  161. Agreed. All except the karli or whatever her name is bashing. It’s not until you’re over 30 that you realize that you’re going to be over 30 for most of your life.
    Let’s treat her a little more gently as we rock our hoop earings, wearing whatever the fuck we want to.
    Sending you Love my sisters!

  162. I’m 65 and and no way that I will allow anyone to tell me what to wear or what not to wear.There are certain things that I will never wear.Also what suits you depends on your personality and personal style.

  163. Absolutely love this!
    Thanks for expressing so eleoquently what so many of us feel, had to share this brilliance on my page Facebook.com/dahliableu.candles
    Respect 🙌

  164. I always listened to this sort of crap when I was younger, now that I am in my sixties I have long hair, wear jeans, shorts and anything else I feel like wearing. Nobody should be telling anyone else what to wear, and when will women stop giving each other a hard time.

  165. Awesome post 😀 hahaha They really have no idea these infants who decide how we should behave. They don’t even get it that actually by the time you are 40 you have realised comfort and feeling good are all that matters. High heels and aching legs? Fuck that. Converse or Docs and sod off 😀

  166. Grey/ white / silver hair is all I ever wanted as an unhappy 22 year old, because it would prove I had survived.
    When I eventually HAD it…..I realised how much more beautiful it was than the shade of ‘Apology Blonde’ that was society’s most popular alternative to cover it.

  167. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT………yet I do believe that some women are their own worst critics…..how many times I’ve heard “couldn’t wear that at my age” Or “I’m too old to wear my hair like that” …….come on ladies, let’s all start trying to “not give a fuck” in the nicest possible way of course!!!!!!!

  168. I went to an “essayage” the other day, and the seems to be nice woman gave me some clothes to try on, they were for an interview, so I put on some suits but way too big, she said they were perfect, I said I thought the dress under the jacket was way too big and she said to put under the dress a blouse, it will help, I did and… Still too big! Horrible! I tried on another one this time trousers and jacket and was way better, she even agreed later but here is not the issue… She asked me to try a two pieces (blue with flowers skirt and top , I swear it was like a curtain, horrible!) I said I didn’t like it and she said “you’re on your 30’s now, it is time to put some grown up clothes and stop wearing like a kid” whaaaaaat? First of all I don’t have a particular style I wear normally a jean with a t shirt and a cardigan… And second I will wear whatever the fuck I want! She’s nobody to tell me that! Plus 32 is still fucking young! And the worst part was that she gave me the hideous curtain! I’m never gonna wear it, plus it’s again way too big! But you know she told me I have to stop wearing tights clothes… F*** you I’ll dress the way I want! (and that woman was over her 50’s)…

  169. fortunately I care not what Kallie or any other person believes what women over 30 should or shouldn’t wear. I’m 46 and wear whatever the fuck I want 🙂

      1. We deserve to wear whatever we like !! I wear what I like, I will be 50 this year

  170. Hahahaha! I love your choices of what to wear 😉 Tho, from my own experience, as the years/decades pass by, you live more fully and care less of what other may think. This is also one of the ingredients of the happy life. 😉 👍🏻

  171. I’m over fifty, I wear what makes me feel happy, comfortable, I was told by a co-worker it might be time for me to where short hair I apparently need to look my age . I didn’t get offended I just said I love my hair long, and will continue to wear it how I like regardless of what others think. I wear fun creative outfits. Wear what floats your boat!

  172. Funny…I m 47 and this morning when i was walking to go to my office with my 2 bunches and my huge clevage i was thinking mm, i m fat and now middle age lady, should i still wear like that? then with a huge smile i thought…life is so short…too short to be bother with others silly and local social conventions…
    (by the way , f…ck! over 30! but it’s is sooo young! and after 50 you just had to wear grey, white or beige clothes to disappear slowly by slowly? that’s so sad!)

    xx valeriexx (your favourite cousin of course)

  173. I think as we get older we have earned the right to wear whatever we’re comfortable in ,besides you only live once do or wear whatever makes your soul happy …..

  174. I’m 65 (since last week) and I wear what I know suits me – bright Barbie pinks, purples, lavenders, blues and turquoises. My shape is short and still a bit overweight so I don’t like me in bikinis or mini skirts and I like my youthful short silver hair. So, who cares what some twenty-something advises? If you feel right, and you think you look good, wear it! When you are in the right colours for your skin tone (and the above colours have always suited mine) then you will find others pay lots of compliments but they may not realise that it is the colour combination that makes you look attractive to them. Ladies – let us enjoy simply being ourselves!

  175. over 70..wear skinny pants..AND first pair of Palazza pants…colorful, comfortable, and great looking and they even hide a few bumps…

  176. THANKS for refuting the inherent sexism of the original piece. FUCK anyone who tries to tamp women down; who tells us (yet again) how wrong and bad we are for being our whole, luscious selves. Fuck ANYONE who tries to kill our spark. It can’t be done.

  177. The vapid woman who writes these “don’ts” for others should do a little self-work. Just visited her FB page and it’s filled with posts blathering about the Kardashians. Seriously? I’m in my 50’s and I’m rocking it. I’m here to tell you younger ladies to be true to yourselves, do what makes YOU feel beautiful, lead with your heart, surround yourself with good people, remain curious, love passionately, keep learning, travel as much as possible ….and I promise that each decade will find you happier and more beautiful than you’ve ever been.

  178. Did you not see the captions that say “what ever the F%$* they want? They were not telling us what to/not to wear. I love it and I’m 50 and the staple of my wardrobe because I’m a daycare provider is leggings easy breezy bright and colorful and if you don’t like don’t look. Which is basically the gist of this article.

  179. A year from 70 and I wear tight jeans, thigh boots, leggin’s and skirts over my knees. Tarty and inappropriate? Who cares? I’m comfortable!

  180. I’m 57 and I wear whatever I the F@*%$ I want. Even if my daughters say Mom you are not wearing that!! Says you I’m your Mother and I can do whatever I want, you don’t like it don’t go out with me! Oh my gosh, really Mom!! LOL!! I love it!! It’s my time now, I’m loving it!!!

  181. I loved this!!! As a woman 32 years young I am now just learning to appreciate my body just the way it is. A woman should wear what she wants no matter what age she is. Life is too short to live in a box of judgements, should nots, better nots, and whatever other NOTS!!

  182. Well said! 30’s is NOT young or OlD!! Wear appropriate out fit that flawns you not to trash your look. Most of these women in pix are senior and they dress so FABULOUS, very avagarde. I just love to see women wear clothes like these women… So cool, so hip, so sexy (without showing boobs or ass). I have seen women like this in subway, streets, bars, museum…etc. in NYC. Wear whatever you want as long as it goes together , doesn’t have to be matched !!

  183. You have to wonder … will the rules suddenly change when this Kallie reaches the grand old age of 30 herself? Having visited both her Facebook profiles she clearly loves herself … but what will happen when she hits the big three zero? Is she going to need therapy? Will she adhere to her own code of rules? Tune in soon to find out!

  184. 20 things a woman should stop wearing after 30………………1-20 The weight of other people expectations or judgement’s. Shut up Kallie, I’ll wear what I like.

  185. Imo, don’t follow trends and bs statements about what we should wear, do, or be. Walk to your own beat, set trends, and Be Unique! AWESOME!

  186. Fuck yeah! I love you and I despise little twats who try & tell anybody that they can’t wear this and can’t do that! Kallie’s a little clickbait cockroach who needs to be called out all over the day she no longer has a “2” as the first number of her age!

  187. And yet no leopard print or short dresses in sight still lol! However, I myself am over 30 and I do wear short dresses with the highest heels I can find (usually about 5.75 inches)! So I wholeheartedly concur with your ideas of what women over 30 should wear!

  188. This is funny, but I don’t really have much problem with Ellen’s suits though. Hers are pretty well fitted specifically for her. I feel like they’re designed for a woman and to fit who she is. I don’t get the feeling there’s no thought behind them. I think people lack the finesse that started the women’s suit as a cross over in fashion that’s required to really own that look.

  189. What a stupid, limited, self hating person that Kallie is. Hope she learns to regret her own thoughts and hope no woman ever listens to garbage she writes! Not even conservative grandmothers gave me such horrible hateful advice!!

  190. The only thing a women should not wear is clothing that makes them uncomfortable. Be happy in your garb, feel like you are wrapping up in beauty. You’re not hiding, not trying to be someone else, express the person you feel you are, if it’s colors that speak for you, or styles that call your name, but be happy in what you wear, trust your instincts , you are your own best stylist.

      1. Found this on FB just now….thank you so much!!!! I wear pretty much whatever the fuck I want but sometimes I worry about people thinking I dress too young. But I feel good about my clothes and that’s what matters.

    1. First time I’ve seen this article–great -ditto, we should wear what we want no matter the age!

    1. You are absolutely amazing. I’m 44, but screaming YES to so many of the things you listed. Apparently, we’re all old ladies if we’re over 30 anyway. Rock on!

    2. Rock on! This exactly how women should be… as they wish and amazing as they feel! thats why I designed Chanii B shoes! for the lady who is tired of being told to wear old lady shoes because she is over 30, 40 etc and wants to express herself.. and be comfortable and cool!!! check it out! women loving life love Chanii B. https://chaniibshoes.com/

  191. Agree with you completely, although I was looking forward to pictures of short skirts and bikinis in amongst them to defy the message that women over 30 must cover up. Here is Helen Mirren rocking a bikini at 63, for example: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/07/16/article-1035510-01F6B66400000578-643_468x815.jpg or Vera Wang showing her fantastic legs in her 60s: http://livesofstyle.com/thelastword/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/5-HBZ-vera-wang-pool-lgn-70615541.jpg

  192. Love your take on this controversial topic! Also your great examples of older women wearing whatever the fuck they want.

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  194. I wear anything I want or better yet, nothing at all!!! Comfort is where it’s at no matter what. BTW I’m 71 years old. I will always try to be stylish or not. My body, my choice!!

  195. I don’t believe in age anyway. Apart from medical records I think after twenty one birthdays should be abolished and birth certificates should be destroyed. Why is everyone so obsessed with age?

  196. Love this perspective! Don’t settle for someone telling you how to live, dress, speak, or express yourself. . Be your own woman. Be strong. Be sexy, in a way that honors & flatters you. Be unique & define yourself. .

  197. I’m wearing what ever I like thank you kallie for your advice ,I’m 68 but we have the confidence not to worry what the younger women thinks of us ,I suggest you worry about the younger girls trying to look older .

  198. There are only two reasons any women of any age should not wear something: 1. It makes her feel uncomfortable. 2. If she wears it the sun will explode and therefore destroy all life on earth.

  199. All these women wore what they wanted, but they did it with style! I love this post and I love the choices of women here. Iris Apfel is in her 90’s which proves you’re never too old for real and individual style!

  200. And yet, your great picture examples didnt show, graphic tees, short skirts, leopard prints or cleavage.

  201. I’ll be 79 in 3 months, & I wear whatever the fuck I want – including leopard print & graphic tees! I believe we have earned the right to dress & speak pretty much as we please (as long as we’re not hurting anyone else), so this gal needs to STFU & stop telling those of us with a lot more experience (& possibly intelligence) how to live our lives!!

  202. I love this. Absolutely fabulous. I will continue to rock my graphic tees, cutoffs and let’s see, whatever the fuck else I want because I want to. I dress for me, and for whatever reason, my 15 yr old daughter thinks I’m pretty cool, so bonus. Little 20-somethings need to sit down and take some notes on adulting.

  203. Outstanding in every way! Thank you.
    And I visited the FB site that Kallie runs: it was horrifying. The most recent post shows monkeys at an animal testing facility, that she thinks is hilarious. Whether she’s doing shock-porn, or attention-getting click-bait, it’s all just an awful waste of oxygen.

  204. if you’re over thirty the only thing to avoind is asinine articles by barely-out-of-puberty vapid hacks trying so desperately to prove they are edgy and relevant.

  205. Hahahahaha! Love it! Really, women have to stop being prey to other’s opinion of what it is to be a woman. Time to stand up and take charge of who you are who you want to be. Frankly, other’s peoples opinions just don’t matter if you want to be happy–happy with who you are.

  206. I went back and read that girl’s article…I am 31. I seriously wish I was in her life when she turns 30 – I would LOVE to see the shocked look on her face when she realizes there is nothing magical about that number.

    I also really think that someone needs to have a conversation with her about valuing herself as a person. Because she really seems to be lacking that aspect of self.

  207. Thank you! I did notice the other article on what we shouldn’t wear. However, l ignored it. I wasn’t interested to know what someone thought l shouldn’t wear. So thank you again for writing my thoughts on the subject so clearly.

  208. I’m 31, will be 32 at the end of the month. I wear what I want and still get asked for id when buying alcohol lol. My mother wears what she wants and gets complements all the time. Ladies don’t listen to these know it all hacks. Were what makes you feel good and beautiful.

  209. I’m 48. I wear what I want and don’t give a shit. So Kallie can have several seats! Her opinion is moot!

  210. I’m a professional stylist and I absolutely agree with you 100%!!! Wonderful and necessary response to Kallie Provencher’s totally ignorant article. When we (all human beings including women over 30) are comfortable with who we are, love ourselves and express that… we are so irresistibly beautiful. High Five!!!!

  211. Brilliant!! ‘Old’ does not exist in my vocabulary – rather:’older’ . Actually, when does ‘old’ start?? I believe it’s every person her/himself who is only able to determine that feeling..
    I know an 88 year ‘old’ lady – she paints, bounces when she walks..is open for anything new to try…
    I’ve known her for years – and she has given me the distinct conviction that age as a number really is irrelevant…she is my absolute Heroine of Living Life! 🙂

  212. Kallies article was as vacuous and stupid as she is. Ove 30? Pfft. I’ll wear WHAT i want, WHERE i want, and HOW I want, till i drop dead.

  213. No reservations as to what I want to wear. If it feels good on me and I like it, I wear it! I know I have an eye and a heart for style! When I was a young Mother I dressed like a Mother for my children and husband. Now I’m old and free to wear what ever I want at 77!
    See Iris on Net Flix

  214. my mother tried to give me her over the knee skirts (not even qualified as minis) because she was over 50. Her legs are better than mine and I told her to rock the hell out of them! I hope to look half that good at her age! *come on good genes!*

  215. Almost 67, and my “most of the time” wear is a tee shirt, jeans and tennis shoes (trainers). It is what I’m comfortable in, and that’s what is important to me at this time of my life!!!

    1. Right on. I agrr. Whats comfortable especially. If its hot, I may wear shorts, and who cares. If they don’t approve ,!!!tough

  216. Blessings to all of us over 30 womem who are confident enough to to wear what makes our hearts smile. I’m 56 and have a great closet…..I love new styles because they are actually things I wasn’t old enough last time they were popular…..I wear things that make me and my nursing home residents happy….if your 30 and think u know it all……..rude awakening coming in the next 20 years…..peace, love, mostly be kind

  217. One thing we all should do is read ‘Advance Style’ by Ari Cohen. (Some of the above images are in his book). Terrific story, great images, wonderful inspiration. Thank you Ari. PS. Your film of the same name was also fantastic.

    1. Yes, it should be required reading for everyone! I’ve been lucky enough to have met and become friends with some of the women from the book and the film and they are just as delightful, and inspiring in person!

  218. I cannot wait to do this with my sister Gail! We need to first determine time and space. Burning Man!!

  219. The women all look great. No one needs to tell any of us what to wear. However, it would have been more relevant to me without the use of the “F” word…but I don’t want to tell anyone how to express themselves.

  220. I love clothes, and looking as cool as I can, in whatever I wear – usually jeans and a top, and sandals and favorite jewelry, and appreciate looking at others attired in their particular choices, as well. I dress to please myself!

  221. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have always worn “whatever the fuck I want,” and plan to go right on doing so. I’m 60. Thirty twice.

  222. I’ll be 70 come October, but I do go to my Vitality (senior aerobics) always in style. I do receive a lot of criticisms from some of the participants but I don’t care. I even wear my diamonds in sessions and always have everything match from shoes to accessories. They asked me why I have to wear jewellery at exercise classes. They said that they also have diamonds but they just leave them at home in their drawers. I just smiled and asked. When are you going to wear them? When you’re dead?

    1. I am 73 and I have earned EVERY day I have lived and enjoy feeling and looking beautiful……A Diamond Specialist for 40 years; my grandson told me that Jewelry was only for show and gaudy…….I told him every item I am privileged to own tells a story about me, my life and those I have loved…..and he needs to learn what they represent of HIS story……..

  223. I am 86 & have been doing my thing for many years. I was working in T.V. in the 60’s as a performer in a kids show called “Pip the Piper”. As far back as then, my way of thinking was way removed from the norm. I just adore all these women who have jumped into the present with such energy, & beauty… they are all my HEROS!!!! Phyllis Spear

  224. Should have included Betsey Johnson. Mid cartwheel. In neon colors and a tutu. The ultimate fuck you to any “Do not over certain age” list.

  225. I’m over 50 and I wear whatever I want. I like skulls, leather, red hair, dark eyeliner and funky lipstick and shoes. I was rocking the dangerous look before whatever her name is was a zygote. And I get hit on by guys as young as my great-niece. Pah. She can suck it.

  226. I thank you for this! LOVE, LOVE, and LOVE!! 🙂 “Women in today’s world are hit from all sides…” I couldn’t agree more!

  227. How stylish are these ladies! Anyway, I recall overhearing a 20 something girl at a party talking about how older women shouldn’t wear short dresses or fitted dresses or, on and on….she was wearing shorts herself and they did not suit her one bit as she was very much out of shape. There I stood, over 50 at the time (and I happen to look 20 years younger – thanks mum, thanks dad), taking it all in.
    I should have said her outfit didn’t suit her – but it would look much better on 50 year old Elle McPherson.

  228. The bright light at the end of a tunnel of “20 minutes of action”, “bad mummies” and “establishment queens”. Relieved to find a glimmer of hope in this post. Shared by two of my heros, photographer Deborah Triplett and my awesome old man.

  229. Well-somebody FINALLY got it right! I’m 65, a retired nurse, wore white or scrubs for 40 YEARS, white shoes, white cap, the whole nine yards. Now, I can, and do wear whatever I want. Jeans and tee shirts mostly, tie dye frequently (much to my proper 86 year old mothers dismay), never wore and never will wear heels, they hurt my feet and I’m a klutz anyway. Never wore Birkenstocks, too stiff, but I rock some Chuck’s or Wally World’s clearance. Never wore make-up, never will. Don’t paint my nails. Try to remember to wear sunscreen, but almost always have on a hat of some sort. I’m a Master Gardener, so I’m dirty most of the time and have odd tan lines. And I’m about 50 pounds overweight. I wear comfortable, natural fabrics. I hate to dress up, DETEST underwire bras (who the hell ever came up with that torture device should burn in hell). I do wear a bra, simply because I don’t want a rash on my upper belly. I love copper bracelets and don’t care if they turn me green. Thank you so much, I feel so much better now.

  230. So what she’s saying is, before 18 we have to wear what our parents say to wear and after thirty we have to wear things she or others deem appropriate so women only have 12 years to wear what they want and express themselves? Who the hell is anyone to tell me what I should or shouldn’t wear? I’ll wear what I want, when I want, how I want. I don’t give a flying fuck what society says I should wear. I own my life.

  231. This is fabulous! I went back and read Kallie’s old article and I am happy to say that I break nearly all of the rules! By the way, I plan to wear my American Eagle Overalls tomorrow!

  232. Well said….I join the group that says ” I will wear what the hell I want’ I am 61, still rock a size 4/6 and loving it. So guess I am going to wear what ever fits…and that just about everything at the point in my life.

  233. Hey Phyllis, You are my heroine! You and Jack broke any rules you wanted……….AND THRIVED!!!
    Thanks for making it easier for us timid ones.
    Thank you ,Pat

  234. For as long as I can remember, my mum has been saying things like “i’m too old to wear that.” and “i’ll look like mutton dressed as lamb.”

    It makes me sad that she’s avoided buying clothes she has liked because she worried they were ‘too young’ for her.

    Clothes don’t have an age limit!

  235. Loved this! (And my hoop earrings damnit.) And quick sidebar – I checked out the “writer” of the original “article” on FB and she’s wearing – GASP – sparkles on her top, leopard print (it was gray and pink but it still counts!) and a graphic print tank top. She had better be under 30. 😉

    DO YOU ladies!

      1. you don’t get the FUCKING point, do you? I’m 61, and I APPLAUD this blog post. I’m too FUCKING OLD to GIVE A SHIT.

    1. OMFG. i was thinking this was going to be some kind of list of things i should go out and buy! I was wondering why my sister would post it on facebook……so I clicked on the link and then…this list…I LOVE IT!! Well said warningcurvesahead. Here’s a huge hug from me. And from a few million other Indian women.

      1. Oh yeah… Ditto to what Kripa said (I’m the aforementioned sister)… Hugs from so many women all over the world… We really need to NOT be like Provencher!

  236. Just wish there was at least one photo of a makeup-free woman in clothes made purely for comfort and no shoes or jewellery..some of us just don’t give a shit about fashion!

    1. YES. THANK YOU. Where whatever you want, so long as it looks like you have thought about it in great length/paid someone to think about it for you.

    2. NIna, I am the women in photo #11, and I wanted to say that my dress may look fancy, but it was stretchy and very comfortable, as are my shoes. I wore them as we walked around the rest of the day, so just because I was wearing a dress doesn’t mean I wasn’t wearing comfortable clothes. Some of us are more comfortable in dresses than in jeans.

  237. Compleatly agrea! Though would have loved to see some legs out in your 24, no short skirts for the over 30’s hehe… I’ll be getting mine out that’s for sure. 😀

  238. Hahaha!!! Love this! Women like Kallie are shallow and don’t have much imagination so it’s not really their fault. They just can’t think beyond their means! Too bad!
    The good news is.. We have a few who prefer individuality over norms and who know what a blessing it is to be a woman! Age, colour, shape, social norms, and what have you, notwithstanding!!!

  239. It’s funny to me how teens think they’re the trend setters. Nope. They buy whatever is in “fashion” right now. And fashion is created, designed, and literally made by those who are most likely “over 30”. They’re the designers and sewers. The stuff you get at the malls were not made because a bunch of teens decided thats what they want. The fashion industry went to school, got degrees in fashion, marketing, and business, then went out, created those items and marketed them directly at teens. Teens go for it and then think they’re the ines in charge. Funny how the next set of teens thinks they did the same thing when the fashion shifts to something else.

  240. Fabulous collection of fabulousER women!
    Never could get why anyone can tell you what to put on your body! Never will!

  241. Yes! I will continue to wear my 1980s head bands because I look fucking fabulous in them!! Free after 50!!!

  242. FABULOUS,…..I LOVE IT AND I WILL DO IT …………I AM THIS KIND OF “…i WEAR WHAT THE FUCK i WANT”………..love it love it love it …………

  243. As someone who has read those articles N was COMPLETELY OFFENDED……. I LOVE THIS….. I have teenagers and I’m 34 I’m a young mom not dead….. even my kids encourage me to wear what I want I earned it after 4 kids…. N my husband loves it….so I will wear WTF I WANT. LOL.

  244. My Mum stopped wearing a bikini at 60 because she felt women of her age should not wear a bikini anymore. She looked fabulous in it. I always felt we were too controlled by age/fashion dictates which considered the only “good” body was the young skinny body. I don’t agree. As someone who is now 60, I like my body and I don’t care if others don’t. It’s mine and 60 hard wearing years have got me this far. So I wear what I want.

    1. LOVE IT that you said this, Ann! The point is, WEAR WHATEVER YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE IN… defining “comfort” as whatever the fuck you want and like. It takes courage sometimes in this youth-oriented culture. But we should be proud of the bodies we have lived all our lives to make. In our 60s, 70s, 80s, and onward… we can redefine what is beautiful by finding the Beauty in us that lasts, and splashing it out into the world.

  245. My Mum wore a bikini until she turned 60 and only stopped then because she felt women of her age should wear a one piece. I didn’t agree then and I still can’t see why we are still so bound by fashion dictates that the only sexy or interesting body is the small skinny young able bodied one. Wrong. I like my 60 year old body and I like wearing comfortable and cheerful clothing. So pooh to the fashion houses and their silly over priced clothing. Let’s all wear what we want. And let’s be grateful we can afford to buy clothing we like and have the confidence to show it off in public.

  246. I think some things are in appropriate but if they want to wear it – let them. It is no ones business by our own. I myself – do not long hair (especially gray) in elderly woman. but I know I am wierd and worry too much about others.

  247. I read the same article you referred to at the beginning (written by someone who has zero fashion background btw, oh, and is probably 30 herself by now). Thanks for responding so perfectly to the dumbest blog I’ve ever read.

  248. Everyone on these pictures looks great because they wear what they like and stay themselfs. Thats why they all show us personality.

  249. Hmm. I agree to an extent but I do think there are certain things women over a certain age can’t really pull off.

    1. Baby clothes. These are even harder to pull on than pull off tbh.
    2. Cakes on their head. No one should really. Cakes are for eating.
    3. Carrier bags…unless totally chic obviously.

  250. Reblogged this on Cristina Taylor Style Council and commented:
    Oh my! I just love this post. I find it so hard to conform, and be told what to do by following meaningless advice. Be and do what makes you happy, If it is good for you and doesn’t harm the environment and the others, wear what you want and most of all love who you are, the way you are.

  251. Reblogged this on Earth to Olga and commented:
    I have recently entered this magical land of 30 and beyond and have never felt more empowered to express myself, try new things, do whatever I think is right, not need to conform to anyone else’s stupid and superficial ideas, not need to prove or justify myself to anyone. I am “old enough” to “know better” than worry about things that don’t matter. And, of course, I’ll wear whatever the fuck I want.

  252. I am almost 70 and wear big bold colorful clothes everyday. I look in my closet and think, “What will express me today?” Women of our age fought hard not to be governed by men and/or society. Let this “junior” become a full woman and we’ll see if she changes her town or dresses in shirtwaists (remember them?) and sneakers.

    1. We did fight hard! And we haven’t won yet, still a glass ceiling out there. So wearing whatever we want should be a given, and others, especially women, don’t need to line us up and perform a critique. Our culture doesn’t yet understand that with age comes wisdom, we have been there and done that; rejoice in the beautiful body you have and love yourself as long as you are on the planet, whatever your age.

  253. I love you so much. I’m fine, fat and 44 and am currently wearing a bright red minidress, bare legs, bare arms, bunches and a my lilttle pony necklace. I always say: Fuck Age Appropriate. You rule, sister. #hearteyes

  254. I am almost 62 and love to dress in a casual fashion, ripped and patched denim jeans, or trousers, a shirt plus flat shoes. I never wear make-up, just moisturiser each day and perfume. Then I am ready to go.
    My husband was always taken with my natural look, and still is today.
    So don’t tell us what to where.

  255. A friend of mine at 59 was just told by her GYN that she had what was medically termed a “geriatric vagina”!? What the fuck?

  256. Yep! Whatever the f*** we want! That does not mean I or others as individuals have our own style which we find suits us best and is how we have evolved BUT that is not some rule or guideline to dictate what every other woman over some age should wear! For example, if I share an outfit, and others in my age range that resonate with my energy and personality perhaps, like something and take tips on what to wear or make themselves feel more fierce then that is fabulous. That aside, it’s not a rule! Even magazines can garner an understanding of the age range their content is most geared to and who finds it most relevant to their lives BUT its not a requirement. I actually love seeing amazing older women lately who wear pieces I know they have had for years and years!

    It’s great to share advice and tips but then anyone that thinks they can dictate rules that apply to anyone over a certain age is in a box.

    Wear the soles that set your power on fire!


  257. ABSOLUTELY!!! Just whatever makes u happy!! No matter what it is and no matter who likes or doesn’t like. If u want to ROCK IT, WEAR IT!!!! Confidence baby!! 😃😃😃❤️❤️❤️

  258. Well… there are things that I wore when I was 20 but no longer wear now (I’m 32), because I don’t think it suits the 12 year older me. Off course, that’s just what I personally feel comfortable with. It’s a ridiculous notion that there should be rules.
    Except of course for leopard print. No-one should be allowed to wear a leopard print anything.

  259. There’s a film about Iris Apfel on Netflix – gotta see it – amazing and wonderful, inspirational.

  260. Yes!!! Thank you!! We don’t need anyone to tell us how to dress, thank you very much. ❤

  261. I’m strong, I’m smart, I’m healthy and I wear whatever I want!!! Except to work I’ve gotta wear scrubs. Boo.

  262. Delightful! Life and persona is about colouring outside the lines. Don’t be afraid, venture forth. Contribute, and stand proud. Be a good citizen of the world. WE need them.

  263. I have worked hard to eliminate the word “should” from my conversations with others. It is especially difficult in this explosive political and social climate.
    I would “suggest”, however, that women project into the future when they are buying shoes. Many of us have major podiatric and orthopedic problems because of those narrow-toed shoes and high heels we wore for years. I don’t think the esthetics, controlled by the fashion industry, was worth it…at least, for me.

  264. Well done. After your post I went on to see Kallie’s. OMG! What an obnoxious human being she must be to be around. No doubt the Mean Girl in a clique of judgemental women when she should be realizing that women just need to be true to themselves and live their own lives of creativity, joy, passion, love, and pure fun and if it comes with amazingly cool/hot outfits like these lovely older women are wearing, then all the better. In a world of photocopied fashion, how brilliant it is to see women (and men) wearing clothes that make them joyful, happy, true to themselves, true to that beautiful inner female (male). Thank you for this.

  265. Poor Kallie, she’s probably just a millennial wanna-be doing her well-underpaid blogging job at her dot.com. After she’s of a certain age she’ll figure it out like the rest of us. Women are tired of bring told what to do, embracing my new definition of WTF.

      1. No excuse of course (wow, you’re only 25?? Cudos to you!!) but it may offer an explanation, she was probably given this shitty assignment. I’m so glad you had such an excellent response that reflects what most of us believe.

      2. Just twenty five, but with an old soul, so
        I’ve been told! Thank YOU, and honestly everyone, for being so immensely supportive! I had no clue this article would receive the attention that it has, and I’m just blown away

    1. Thank you SO much! Diversity and inclusion are very near and dear to my heart, and I really tried my best to showcase as many beautifully different people as possible! I only wish I had more than 24 spots!💕

  266. Love this – you are so spot on!
    At 59 I only wish there was more variety in clothes that fit my size and body😳
    Have a hard time finding dresses with sleeves for instance (I like them two thirds down the arm since I’m not too comfortable with my sagging triceps or whatever those underarm muscles are called)
    Also – if you happen to be plus size (even a small one) it’s virtually impossible to find clothes that are cheerful and wild and that fit!
    Just because you are curvy doesn’t mean you prefer to wear a dull tent, now, does it?😝

  267. I was looking for a shirt the other day and the clerk said, “Oh, isn’t that cute! You bought yourself a pair of jeans.” I am 83. I have been wearing jeans all my life. I’m not stopping now!!!

    1. Funny how artists don’t cover some of the best songs, like Neil Diamond’s “Ferever in Blue Jeans.” I, too, have been wearing blue jeans–any color jeans–about 45 years of my 51 year life!

    2. Excellent….gracefully in her face. I am 60 and judging by my ‘genes’, I will die at 95 and will be buried in my ‘jeans’…..maybe my blue denim flowered pair.

      1. Right On Connie Gall. I too am 60..almost 61. I feel great and like to be casual most of the time in jeans.

  268. I LOVE it!!! Don’t let anyone tell you what you should or should not wear in clothing, hair style or color, makeup or accessories. I had a grrrreat blouse that I loved and sent back because I listened to my daughter-in-law who said I was too old for it. Now I can’t find it anywhere!! I am so sorry that I listened! I will now wear whatever I want, whenever I want, to whatever I want…I am in my 60’s and too stubborn to care!

    1. Too bad your daughter-in-law said that. Shame on her! She will be your age one day and for sure she will not want anyone telling her she’s too old for anything!

    2. How we men & women adorn ourselves with costume make up jewelry etc is an old ancient tribal right. I don’t get all the fuss. Let’s just find love & peace and we’re all good regardless of “looks”.

  269. Thank you very much for this wonderful compliation of awesome pictures with awesome Ladies! I turned 30 a few days ago and never thought that there is such a thing like do’s & don’ts for my new age XD
    And I also never would have thought, that A WOMAN would tell me what to do or not to do, just a week after every of these things would be totally fine…

  270. Wow, really enjoyed seeing all these different styles. I’m over 70, so impressed me even more.

    1. i love seeing individuals express themselves through clothing i am nearly 70 and wear leggings and hippie type over tunics with boots – my hair is down to my waist and shocking white – i would rather be alternative than old and dowdy

  271. THIS is my new favorite article. Ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for speaking up for all of us!

  272. Love this. Love you.
    Now find us 30 things women over 80 not SHOULD but CAN possibly wear!
    (Besides your #1 example, but she’s rich and has lots and lots of stuff. Need ideas that need a much more thought and imagination than money.)

    1. I’m with you, just cause I’ll be 85 next month does not mean that I can’t dress the way I want. I’ll never wear what a clerk would pick out for me for my age. I’m OLD, but I’m not DEAD!!!

  273. I love this article, I have always been the type of woman that I don’t need anyone telling me what to wear, and I will ll never ask a friend, what r u wearing tonight. I believe my fashion taste is amazing, and don’t need reassurance!
    Lets enjoy this wonderful world of fashion! !

  274. So funny. I was wishing that the list would go on and on and not stop at 24, as I loved the examples you picked. I totally agree with you. To the barricades.

      1. You are absolutely welcome! Just to clarify – I didn’t mean to address you as “Lordy” – boy that read weird. Just making an exclamation… that was a terrific post!

  275. Thank you! I hate those lame “What not to wear over (fill in the age)” articles that pop up on silly fashion sites. I’m 43 I wear what the fuck I want. And then sometimes I take it off because I’m a burlesque dancer (And a great one at that!) Do you ladies from 21 to 101.

  276. I wear whatever, whenever I want and I Frankly Don’t Give a Damn what you think. My daughter is always trying to calm my look down from a free Momma to a conservative so and so. So since my husband”s passing, whom was conservative, Country Club type, I’m back to my old self again. And can’t
    be happier for the way I look and carry myself, I’m just about to have my 69th Birthday in 22 days.

  277. Iris Apfel, has a documentry,on NETFLIX she is so cool.It is a must see.Love her style and life.

  278. What fabulous women. I an 67 and guess what? I wear what the neck I want. Keep doing it girls xxx

  279. This is ridiculous. All of these women clearly have money and a quirky sense of style, but a woman who takes the advice of “whatever the fuck you want” to mean “slacks and a shirt, perhaps neither fitting very well because she cannot afford high end clothing stores or custom tailoring” would no doubt be looked down upon around here. And please spare me the #notallofus type excuses that are so often trotted out. As a woman who simply doesn’t have the sense of style nor the time or money to develop one I have personally experienced the condescension from other women who seem to think that unless you are “put together” then you are fit to be ignored or talked down to. This post is just another example of how “wearing whatever the fuck you want” is inevitably followed by “… so long as it is expensive and well tailored”.

    1. You are making an incredible amount of assumptions about some of the ladies featured in this post, and the main theme has soared over your head at warp speed. Women should experience NO judgement as to what they wear. PERIOD. No matter what that means.

    2. one of the ladies in the documentary about fashion such as this, dressed herself with thrift shop items.

  280. I like this! After reading yours, I read the original one, just to see what a 33 year old “shouldn’t wear.” It’s ridiculous! I love leopard print, faux fur, hoop earrings and oversized sunglasses. All of those made this girl’s DO NOT WEAR list. IMO those will never go out of style, no matter how old you are!

  281. I love this! I recently turned 50 and finally I am embracing my body and being grateful for it (duh!). I wear a variety of clothes with a huge amount being pre-loved. Such fun! Whatever you wear, accessorise with a smile and it looks great.
    Women unite! xoxox

  282. Yes, one can wear what one wants, but a good hard look in a 3-way mirror might have made some of these women reconsider, regardless of their age.

    1. It is this kind of judgmental attitude that inspired this post in the first place! If it makes someone feel beautiful, they should wear it. Mirror, and your negativity be damned.

  283. For all of you fabulous people out there…
    30 is not even a 1/3 of your life. You are still growing up. I should know. I’m 58 and I have a lifetime ahead of me!

    Live, love, and be free! It took me 50 years to figure out what that actually means! CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE!
    xxxxoooo & lots of love

    1. Amen! Why do we still think that 30 is it, you’re cashed?? Next, lets cleanse this stereotype. Although this article is great, it still supports the idea that 30 is the cut-off of social relevance….

  284. Fan ducking tastic!! You go ladies in whatever you want! I agree and have always marched to a different drummer. Look however makes you feel fabulous!

  285. Just did a quick scan of that girls articles at rant chic and looks like “Kallie” is all about the Jenners & the Kardashians and which celebrity butts are besets and really clever stuff like that so I’m sure she’s supremely qualified to be telling women of all ages what they are allowed to wear. *rolls eyes*

  286. Hi: I fucking LOVE this piece, and can’t thank you enough for sharing this. One of the things I find the most liberating about getting older (I turn 55 this year) is about NOT GIVING A FUCK what people think about what I wear or do. My hair is pink, my platforms high, my attitude large. I also would love to repost this on my blog, Blankstareblink, which is all about giving the finger to father time. Would that be okay with you? Thank you! You are awesome. xoxo

    1. absolutely! Thank you so much for your support, and for generally just being awesome! Share away, I am so overwhelmed and thrilled with the way this message has spread like wildfire! 2.6 million views since Saturday night!

      1. Thank you!!! You should be thrilled, and I hope you are proud of what you have done. I can’t wait to continue to follow you. What an inspiration your are. xoxo

  287. You get the slow clap for this article. I’m almost positive I saw that stupid “article” a while back. If my memory serves me right, I think she even said that women over 30 shouldn’t wear hoop earrings. I can’t…😒

      1. She’s obviously not over 30, but since she keeps bringing up the subject, she must have a fear of turning 30 or something. But I’d love to be around when she does turn 30. It would be interesting to see if she follows her own rules. Especially since when you get to that age, you begin to care less what people think. Hopefully someone will remind her of her rules.

  288. I absolutely love Iris Apfel. I watched the documentary of her on Netflix recently, entitled “Iris.” Also loved “Advanced Style,” also available now on Netflix. Both shouldn’t be missed before they go away!

  289. I’m so happy for subjects like these to be addressed and talked about. Ladies all through childhood, have to see and face “What a Woman Is Supposed To Look Like”. We are all unique individuals, with unique personalities! I desire, and flaunt, my unique personality any way I so choose. It should come from what makes you happiest, and feel good from the inside out!!! I will be 30 this year, and I’ll be giving glares right back through my oversized sun glasses, and my mini skirt proud!

  290. Love this! I’m 32 and a mom and I wear what makes me feel cute. I will continue to do so 💁🏼

  291. Love this blog post!!!!! All the ladies look amazing but I have my picks that stood out. 5,8,9,12,14,16 was just too fabulous for me they all served with purpose.

  292. If I may paraphrase, who the heck died and made Kallie Provencher Queen of everything ? I am appalled at her snarky arrogance. Women over 30 shouldn’t wear this, don’t do that..Seriously ?!?!? We’re grown women, we can wear, eat, drive or do whatever we want. It took over 200 years, but last night our country finally has a woman as running for President. Hell, even India has us beat there . Hit delete on anything you find that tries to tell you what to do or to make you feel badly about yourself. And may I say, every single woman pictured was shining her own special beauty, as do we all. Well done !

  293. FANTASTIC!! I loved the confidence of all the women depicted! Being comfortable in your own skin (and clothes!) is a gift. Thank you so much for posting this. As for anyone tempted to condemn a person for their fashion choices: “Judge not, lest ye be judged!”

  294. I love this and your article so very much! As a women who just hit 31 I always feel like I should be more “mature” , more “mommy-ish”, more “respectable”. Now, well fuck it, I will wear whatever the fuck I want 🙂
    Thanks for the amazing boost of confidence!

  295. LOVE IT, oh, yes, I do! Over 30? Why does it not read….”UNDER 30, Shut up & Mind Your Own Business!” I’ve been running my business (my life) for 63 years now & I’m still kickin’ it. Nobody can do me better than I can do me-my life, my way, my story. YOU WRITE YOUR OWN STORY & leave me out of your story. Not to worry, the chapter about you-DOES NOT EXIST.
    BTW, I LIKE MY HAIR LONG (ponytail is pretty because my hair is very thick & I like it. So leave me alone about “long hair& ponytails after 40.” Are you jealous because my hair is thick? I love my ponytail!
    After 63 years of trying to please others, ahhhh, I think I will just please me & my doggie today. I can’t leave God out

    1. I can’t leave GOD out of my story, my life. I am being me these days~so that means being true first of all to this 63 year old girl~chick. True to me, means being honestly open to you & to JESUS CHRIST (He already knows.)
      I hope someone likes my story because I fee good about me at 63 today.

      Me at 63.

      1. I don’t know you but I love you and your beautiful spirit!!

      2. 63 also and feel exactly the same! I don’t have to be what others expect me to be, only what the Lord has made me to be. One of the first sermons I remember striking a chord with me was themed “be content with what you have”. I find I am the happiest when I remember those words.

    2. I LOVE your comment!!! That’s the same way I feel! I’ll be 61 this year, never have followed a fad in my life. Have thick hair that I wear in a ponytail whenever I feel like it, wear whatever I want…sometimes it’s classy and other times I don’t have it in me as long as I have my eyebrows on! And God is the only one I try to please.

    3. I am 61, feel 40, look 50 and do not give a fuck what some 30-something chick (or anyone else) thinks I should wear, be or do. Thank you!!!

    4. I refer you to the poem by Jenny Joseph, titled “Warning”. This poem is in answer to what women should and shouldn’t do, as though to do other would be harmful, and therefore need a warning. This poem is the origin of the Red Hat Society, and I love it, and even taught it in my literature classes. Rock on, girls, of any age!

    5. This isn’t like Facebook, or I can just push a like tab. I will be 60 in July. I have a long white ponytail myself. Last year I put some purple highlights in it. I love it just the way it is! I have four earrings in each ear, and I like to shop at Chicos as well as the express . I’m fortunate enough to still fit in to junior size clothes. And I still turn heads – those of young men.c i’m fortunate enough to still fit in to junior size clothes. And I still turn heads – those of young men. However, I have no interest in being anyone’s MILF. When I divorced my husband of 23 years, that’s all I attracted – men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. I finally found a man who is 11 years older than me. And I am deeply in love. I love writing my own story and dressing for the occasion as it evolves… Thank you for sharing your story! You inspired me and made me feel empowered.

  296. Thank you! I am so tired of women/girls telling everyone how it should be and they have not lived enough to even know how it should be. I am 53 and have long hair and get lots of compliments. And these youngsters talk about size quite a bit too. Remember when Elizabeth Hurley said she’d kill herself if she was “as fat as Marilyn Monroe?” Monroe was close to today’s size 2 – and that became well known when her iconic white dress sold at auction and a sz 2 mannequin was too big for it. Yes – let’s start telling these under 30 know it alls to shut the fuck up. Glare back at them. Tell them they are out of line and “come see me when you’ve lived a little bit longer.” And hem your pants – they are not supposed to drag the ground. And learn to walk in those heels i I did.

  297. I agree whole heart in that, baby! We don’t give a fuck. I don’t know how some folk do not understand the word freedom, either. But, there it is. Have a great rest of this day You & Yours. Hugs, Dene

  298. Perfect! When I saw the title for this, I said in my head “Whatever the F@%* I want!”. In New Orleans, we see this all day every day, and that’s why I love this city. On top of wearing whatever I want, I don’t feel judged for it!

  299. Been pretty much doing whatever the fuck I want, and wearing whatever the fuck I want since I could walk and think for myself. At the ripe old age of 51 I still stand out and get compliments, etc. Be you, be YOUnique.
    Thank YOU for this blog!

  300. I absolutely loved this! I’m 51 years old, and I’m 6′ tall, dye my hair bright, screaming red, listen and DANCE to all kinds of music, from country to heavy metal, AND I race lawnmowers for fun. I wear graphic tees, I wear tight, sexy jeans and I wear low cut tops that show off my rather nice cleavage. I may be a bit more curvy than I was when I was younger, but I like me way better than when I was younger! It took me all this time to get to this point, and to see more women starting to feel the same way makes me happy. My turning point was when my then husband (now my ex!) gave me a drab gray tunic style top with I high collar for my birthday, telling me I needed to start dressing my age. It was my 35th birthday. Needless to say, I only wore it at home for him and only when it was cold. I believe I went and bought more mini skirts and sexy tops! Lol! Rock on, ladies!

  301. I love this I’m over 70 and wear holy pj’s a jersey at home which is full of holes and faded old jeans I love old 60’s clothing have have quite a number of them which I wear to church and functions people want to know where I purchased them and I say you cant as they are a discontinued line!!!

  302. i will soon be 53. i work in an office, so M-F 7-4 i wear business to business casual. on my time, i wear what ever the fuck i want. my favorite off duty attire is a graphic tee, shorts and my fave pair of Chuck’s. If that doesn’t fit societies idea of how a grandmother of 6 should dress, that’s none of my business =D my business is being true to myself.

  303. I’m almost 80 years old.I have been married 57 years. I have always worn what I like. I have always dressed modestly because I love God,
    He has always given me the freedom to be me. The older I get, the more I look forward to being with my maker. Keep your focus on God instead of fashion.

    1. That’s lovely for you, and I’m sure you find a lot of peace in that! However it’s important to remember that not everyone believes in the same God, and we must be respectful of people’s differences.

      1. Millicent, instructing a complete stranger to “focus on God” when you have no understanding of their private faith practices is actually incredibly presumptuous, and therefore deeply disrespectful.

  304. At 84 I own my own tux, and wear it every year to perform in a “Cabaret” (I add a black-and-silver pooka-dot bow tie and a bright red silk rose on my lapel, and I wear my Kate Spade heels with a red pouf on the toes — I carry a silver-headed walking stick). And I feel FABULOUS!

  305. I love this. I’m 51 with waist length crazy curly red hair and, like most red heads, I’m extremely eccentric in my taste in clothing, shoes and accessories. Nobody gets to tell me what I should and shouldn’t wear. That’s a right I earned when I grew up. If you want to look like a bland cardboard box when you’re my age, go for it, no one will notice. Otherwise, worry about yourself and definitely what others think of you, the rest of us will be too busy looking for new purple leopard print pants.

  306. My question is at 68 why we all had to wait most of our lives to finally figured out how amazing capable funny determined smart giving undeniable nurturing species we are! Thank you for sharing and reminding us we have absolutely in every remarkable way earned the right to be our own person

    1. I love how you condensed the stories above yours. Am one with what you say. Have a blessed time every day.

    2. I totally agree Linda. I can’t understand why it took me so long either. Perhaps it’s the “wisdom that comes with age” message we kept getting told about when we were young.

  307. So if i’m understanding this correctly, if you are over 30 you’re toast/done/kaput – it’s over ladies. WOW! Sorry. I don’t buy it and I hope no one else does either. Love who you are, love what you wear, rock those sparkly pants until the sun goes down/comes up, go crazy with the ponchos and the exquisitely oversized jewelry, wear hoop earrings until the cows come home. Whatever 😉 Be confident. Be yourself. Own it. I’m raising my daughter to be confident about her style + choices. If she likes what she’s wearing and feels good about herself, done and done. That’s how my mother raised me and it has allowed me think of only one person when I get dressed each day – ME. Enjoy ladies, rock whatcha like and be you you you 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Good morning lady . My story am 53 . My.husbands of 15years finally walked out. Guess he though I’ll roll up and die. Well it almost hsppen . But thanks but for the grace of God . I suprise myself. I took charge of my life. Am now living the best and happy-go-lucky life.ever. how after reading your post, I definitely know am on the right track.

  308. Love this blog! Thanks so much for writing it. Love the pics, and the comments from readers are wonderful! I was 41 when I met my, now deceased 2nd husband. He was the love of my life and he loved when I came home from work and put on comfy yoga pants, one of his old Tees and washed off the makeup. He told me I was beautiful all the time…even in the morning! That was a big turning point for me, I had worried about what others thought of me for so many years and it colored everything I did and wore. He freed me from that and I haven’t turned back. As someone else on here said…it’s none of my business what society thinks of me. I’m 51 years old and curvier than ever. I love me, I love my curves, and I haven’t worn tummy control ANYTHING in over a decade!

  309. On a regular basis ,almost i get people saying oh i wouldn’t wear that ,i don’t wanna be a wanna be ,,,,well i do wanna be smart cute sexy ,loud fashionable,,,,,,,hair extentions ,high tops and huge hats all colors bright as the rainbow and the sun,barefeet and short shorts,take me or leave me the ….alone,,,and let me be myself for God’s sake,cause i’m going to anyways !

  310. Great blog and article! Re some of the comments, this is about FASHION and WOMEN, not about religion and Jesus Christ. There are lots of other blogs where people can talk about their faith.

  311. I adore and support everything you’ve posted here. I also have to be honest and say, I am 55 and still feel left out. I’m an old punk rocker, have always ys dressed however I’ve felt. But those pictures are all professional. The makeup is expertly done and flattering. Most of these women look like ex-models or fit the look, thin, fashionable… not like me. These images promote looking good in a superficial way. I don’t look like any of these women. With a good wardrobe, photographer or even the time and money to spend trying to look like these women, I would still have a droopy jawline, scars, a poochy tummy, sagging arms and neck. I wish I saw myself here and could feel the waves of approval, but I still don’t belong to the fuck it club. Please don’t hate this comment as sour grapes, but I still say I have earned the right to say whatever the fuck I want.

    1. I don’t hate this comment, and I can understand how you might feel that way, but look closer. 🙂 A lot of those women are just bloggers like me. They do it for the passion, and don’t have a professional team! Yes, there are celebs, but it was to illustrate a big point and make as much impact as possible. 💕

    2. Amen to stopping all of the “shoulds” !! I read the “things women over 30 shouldn’t wear” article months ago and thought “Where is this little snit from?” But Sari, I agree with your statement. I did not see much of me in this. I am a 63 year-old country girl who still likes to wear cut-offs, big tees, flip flops (you know the thongs of yesterday?), ragged faded jeans, ratty sneakers, and cowboy boots. I also don’t mind a 2 piece and a pair of daisy dukes just yesterday!

  312. In Australia, we are mostly casual, we wear what we want and God help anyone who tells us what we should deck ourselves in. Personally I like comfort now I’m in my 70’s, but I was a model when I was young and was lucky enough to strut my stuff in the loveliest of creations.
    I agree with the writer…..F’ing please your selves.

    1. I love the thought of being yourself, no matter what that means. I can dress my self, I know what I like and what feels good and looks good on me. I don’t need anyone with no life experience to spreat their stupiduty around. I just turned 60 and I am loving it.

  313. What do you expect from a girl who things that the Bedazzler is a trend from the 2000s? What is she, 15?

  314. The important thing is that your shoes/boots fit well and feel good. If not, the discomfort will show in your face and you will never look great. Bare feet are the best.

  315. Brilliant !!! I must admit the tittle pissed me off but then I seen ” whatever the fuck they want ” and I was relieved … Thank you ❤️

  316. Kind of hilarious that after all that, none of the women pictured are wearing “leopard print”, “graphic tees”, or “short dresses.” Perhaps you agree with her after all? 😉

  317. Awsome!!! That is how it should be and that is how will try and raise my little baby girl…:) Do and wear whatever the fuck you want!!!!

  318. I’ve been wearing whatever F$^**!!!!! I want for ages. Nearing 80 and still wearing whatever the F $*****!!!!! I want, writing poetry, working my A. off and let’s see, what else: Just published my first book Tharon Ann – a memoir written in first person about my years growing up in the racist south, actress early television, then Broadway; then raising three young boys under 5 as a single mother when their father (the Sperm Donor left hearth and home … then my long spiritual journey. As I enter the last phase of my life, I’m still wearing whatever the F$***!!! want. My response is Don’t Like – Don’t Look. Love this blog…I’m on Facebook and Twitter. Bravo for writing this witty blog.
    Jennifer Brookins (author)

    1. Thank you. Just ordered your book. I’m thinking that many of us over 65 have trouble saying or writing the F word. Wondering if it is because of Catholic school. I guess WarningCurvesAhead is helping to kick off the uniform. Love all the posts, even the sassy fighting ones. I used the F word in conversation recently but then was too shocked when a friend used it back. I think I’m still wearing invisible black and white saddle shoes. It’s just a word like “luck, pluck, tuck, stuck….suck is a little dirty, chuck…….uck….f f ff f……..

  319. I do agree woman of any age should be able to wear whatever they want. But I also believe by the time they are over 30 they should have developed a little class and a better vocabulary then having to use the F*** word constantly

    1. This is the whole point. You do not get to dictate what a woman does. NOBODY should dictate what a woman does or says. What is “class” anyway, besides just another way to put women down? And besides that, “class” and language are not mutually exclusive. Check yourself.

  320. LOL, I saw the title and said to myself “24? There’s only one answer — whatever the f she wants!” So I chuckled skimming through the article. And that extends to accessories and hairstyles, too. At 50, I live in comfy sweats or yoga pants, and t-shirts, love my purple dyed hair cut in a bob style, usually have my earbuds in, and don’t care that my main accessory is whit dog hair. This is me and I am happier than ever.

  321. At 77, pushing 78 really hard, I’m still wearing tights with real tennis shoes to work. Just went blonde and have never been happier with my hair. Can’t walk very far and even kitten heels are out of the question but a slightly used pair of Ferragamo flats from Goodwill will take you anywhere. I get to think of myself as “today’s creation” every morning.

  322. Great post. Thanks! I am 83 and it’s been a while since I worried if it was “Age Appropiate”.
    I still love my jeans and bright colored tops. I was wearing a bikini bathing suit in my 30’s and
    if I say so myself I felt good wearing it. That’s all that counts. Enjoy life and appreciate
    whatever age you are that moment.

  323. I’m 72 years old, 2X cancer survivor, had a brain tumor removed AND I ride a Harley…look Bitchin in my leathers…also wear leggings with tunic tops, I wear what I want when I want…thanks for this blog and love the pictures of these akin it women!!

  324. I am 36, wear/do/live WTFIW, love God, and love the beautiful women who have chimed in the comments. It gives me hope for my three daughters and my son that the world they are inheriting has room for truly strong women, truly strong men, and strength of character that is blind to age, gender and race.
    Live the life you are blessed with, the most beautiful way you are able, and LOVE as big as you can 🙂

  325. I am 65 . Just recently reached the point of wearing and doing whatever the fuck I want to. I applaud all of the ladies out there who think the same way.!!
    Bless us all and ENJOY

  326. Oh HELL yes!!! I’ll be 63 in just a couple of weeks and I always wear Whatever The Fuck I Want. Lol. What an absolutely refreshing response to that girl’s silly “article”.
    Love Love Love this, and as I looked at each picture , I swear, my heart expanded and I giggled out loud!
    Thank you so very much!

  327. Thanks, ladies! I am 78, and admit to sometimes wondering if “at my age” I should wear what I am putting on. After reading all these posts, I will squelch my wonderings and just wear it if I feel good in it.

  328. Excellent selection, excellent message… F-bombs, however, were not t h a t necessary. that said, I thank you for delivering the message. I am less than a week from 53, so glad some of those gals were obviously over my age. Look out FUN ahead! Thanks again.

    1. Happy birthday,Robyn….I too grew tired of the overuse of the F word(not shocking anymore,but boring and overused),but it was a great message.If you want to watch something worthwhile,rent “Advanced Style”my local library had it,yours may too.A few of the really “mature”ladies were from that.There is a photographer in NYC (sorry,don`t recall name,saw it awhile ago.)who seeks out these stunning unique people 60+mostly women,but a few guys.Many of them are in their 80s/90s!I just turned 66(last month)and NEVER bought into that cliché that I am supposed to morph into a bland,beige,boring frump!Have fun and free yourself!

      1. Diana Swan, are you thinking of NYC photographer Bill Cunningham? NYTIMES. He has videos, too. Google him.

      1. They are only necessary if you have no creativity and no originality. Anyone can say “f***.” but not everyone can use words that pop and jump and make you think. F-bombs are for those who want to shock others, but guess what? Nobody’s shocked anymore. They’re just bored.

      2. When someone under 30(poor innocent that she is) thinks she can tell me (I’m almost twice that) and my sisters what I/we shouldn’t be wearing? Absolutely the F-Bomb is necessary!

  329. I was shopping in Sears the other day, when a sales associate approached me. “Ma’am? Are you aware that this is the Juniors department?”
    “Yes,” I said, pointing to the Petites section. “I’ve already been through the Tiny Grandmas on Cruise department.”

  330. Just went a bit over her ?articles? On rant chic. I would most definitely claim she posts click bait here and there to get viewers. Anyone that obsessed with Chrissy Teigen(sp) and the Kardashians (whom most in that clan are over 30) is just looking for clicks for $$$. If anything write too whoever allows her to post such crap (rather superficial, vain and narcissistic. Not to mention she promotes feminism? Weak front for her endeavors) and don’t give her much more thought than that and stomp her 15 minutes of internet fame down.

  331. Women the world over are being controlled, constrained and clubbed into submission. Let us all never give up our power and right to be all we can.

  332. These women are the best examples of being comfortable in their own skin. Wish all women could be this expressive.I am a woman over seventy and appreciate every day God blesses me with really don’t think he is judging me for what I wear!

  333. and i will never damn fuck mind that youre using my bloggers name! @commentator JUDYJUDYGIRL 👠💃🏿

  334. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. So what? I wil wear whatever the fuck want and
    say whatever the fuck I want. Offended by the f bomb, get over it or just stay the fuck off her page. Her message was loud and clear. No one has any place to be telling anyone what to wear or how to live. 62 years strong. Love this post, keep on doing what you are doing.

  335. Reblogged this on Atypical 60 and commented:
    I’m hoping that I’m doing this correctly. But I HAD to reblog this post from “Warning Curves Ahead” blog. She “gets” it!!!!!! You may remember my post of a few weeks ago of my version of advanced style. But his nails it.

    She included ALL sorts of styles and all kinds of women and I love it. I love it so very much. And it speaks to all women over 30,40,50,60, and beyond.

    So ladies and gents, take a look at this wonderful post (if you haven’t already seen it) and enjoy and wear whatever you want ( I would have added my favorite curse word that starts with “F” and ends with “K” but I promised Bonaparte that I would curb my language. Seriously. This is some great shit!!!!!

  336. Reblogged this on Mind and Life Matters and commented:
    If I could, I would reblog this a hundred thousand times until every one of those people who try to preach about what women should and shouldn’t do! I am tired of seeing articles titled “30 things women should never do on a first date!” Or “10 things every woman should do to grab his attention” Seriously, women it’s high time you stop reading or listening to people on what you should or shouldn’t do! It’s your life, live it the way you want!

  337. Amen – be stylish, be casual, be comfortable, be happy; embrace your inner bitch and dress her up in Bondage gear – embrace your inner angel and dress in sparkling sheer layers – just remember to DRESS please 🙂 and be clean…

  338. Reblogged this on Being Thirties and commented:
    I love this post and the spirit behind it. No one should be able to tell another woman what she should wear.

    This post is a great reminder of the beauty of diversity and all the ways it’s great to be a woman over 30. It also highlights the beauty of confidence women radiate when they own their individual style.


  339. Brilliant! I saw the original Facebook article, but didn’t bother to read it. I’m 30 twice over and then some, and yeah, I don’t need some twit telling me what I should or should not wear. I’m big enough to dress myself, thank you very much.

  340. Hell yeah, as a woman of 35, I too will wear whatever the fuck I want. Just wait until Miss Kallie hits 30 & can’t live down the bs she spewed leading up to it, LOL.

  341. I love this. My 42 year old sister told me (I’m 60) that someone my age shouldn’t have purple hair. I looked at her in utter disbelief. Have to share this on my Facebook page. Hope you are having a super weekend.

  342. I’m thankful for facebook so I can feel the camaraderie with women I’ll never actually meet. It’s so great to see all the enthusiastic responses from real women.

  343. CONFIDENCE ladies! That’s what looks best on us 30+ -ers! Graphic tee’s or business dress, it’s all how you feel in it. I could dress like the CEO of some fortune 500 place, I I would look like sh*t, because of how it would make me feel. Give me a long skirt and a hippy top, or jeans, a Doctor Who tee shirt and my Millennium Falcon necklace and my husband swears that that is when I am sexiest!

    P.S. Just as an aside, Kim Kardashian is 35 and breaks all of these ruled (well, maybe not old sneakers and cheep bras) and is Glorified for it!

  344. I Love this…….. No wait I Fucken Love this.
    I guess some people are perfect & have never sworn a day in their life 😳 Really you’ve totally missed the point.

  345. I wouldn’t think anyone would have the nerve to say something like that–let alone write it down–,let alone publish it on the web. It I had seen it when first published I would have thought it was irony or a joke. Great pictures. —- Suzanne

  346. Great read. Who gives a flying fuck what others wear…wear what you want. Cheap Bras was the only thing on Kallie’s list that made any sense…NOBODY should wear them 🙂 Ha.

  347. You know, I was hesitant to read. I know the other “article” in question and it too got a large eye roll from me. And although the this one seemed by the title to be positive, my initial reaction was, “how about we wear whatever the fuck we want!” …So thank you for this! You made my day!

  348. Why is your website so judgemental? I don’t have curves, do I not count? Am I not a woman? Am I not a ‘real woman’? How alienating. How exclusive. Also being rude to people is unnecessary. Your agenda is not better or worse than anyone else’s but if you can have one, then so can they.

    1. I think you need to check yourself. You have literally NO idea what you’re talking about, and you clearly have no idea what my website is about and what I stand for. So turn back around, go do some research, and THINK before you speak next time.

  349. Pingback: Estilo tem idade?
  350. I love this! See what Richard Wilkin says about this very thing on YouTube: Richard wilkins fuck it

  351. I was smiling when I started but ended up in tears at the real beauty of each woman shown. I thought I would wear that, it’s not me, but my goodness, it’s SO HER! Love it.Thank you,.
    PS- I read that piece a while back while wearing my 51-yr-old self was wearing big gold hoops and leopard print shoes at the same time. So yeah, I put a lot of stock in what it said.

    1. It has warned my heart and brought tears to my eyes each time I have read someone’s story and appreciation! Thank YOU for your kind words, and keep on being your incredible self. 💕

  352. you ROCK!!!!! i DO wear WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT…..my boho hippie skirts, platform flipflops, an armload of bangles, fake fur vests, big sparkly hoopy earrings, sequinned purses and purple hair…..at 56, i don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks….not trying to be cool….i AM cool!!!! LOVE this……and yes, laughing at the little girls who don’t have a fucking clue!!!!!

  353. How sad, most of the women look exactly like men. The Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 2:9 “And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes.”

    I pray that women everywhere choose to obey the Bible and not the ways of the world. Women should not drink, smoke, cuss or engage in indecent behavior. We are mothers and should act as respectable women. God is watching and we should want to be a vessel of honor not a vessel of dishonor.

    1. Your pushiness is not welcome here. Your judgement is not welcome here. You have MISSED the point and clearly stumbled upon this blog by mistake. This is NOT a place to push your religious agenda

      1. Amen!! I am a spiritual person. Judging others is a defect to my spirituality. This is only my maybe not so humble opinion, but Yvette should be teaching tolerance, patience, kindness, humility, and such traits to her children. As long as it doesn’t explode in a crowd, women over 30 should wear whatever they want. I LOVE your article, descriptive words included. I apologize if this sounds like a personal “agenda”. PS- I am merely a man.

    2. Yvette, I appreciate your piety Dear, but you seem to have wandered out of the very scary neighborhood where you live, in which you are constantly judged and deemed possibly not “good enough”, no matter what you wear or what you do, and that means the possibility of living an eternity burning in hell. You’ve somehow inadvertently stumbled into a neighborhood where the overwhelming majority of the people are looking to esteem and affirm each other, so before you start “should-ING” all over everyone here, please bear this in mind – the purpose of the author’s article is to help women support each other against hateful self-righteous people passing judgment. Even if you thinking you are “sharing in love”, it’s obvious that you are being self-righteous and judgmental. This is not the time or the place for your bully pulpit. Bullies are run out of this neighborhood. The man who penned the verse you’re quoting from Timothy also warned his followers against entering into the distraction of marriage. Where does that leave you?

  354. You are absolutely right! Sometimes I think, they want us to be invisible. Quiet. And if we talk, then in agreement and prudently. I want to be neither silent nor agreement, nor prudent. Just I – and certainly not invisible. Sorry I´m maybe almost 41, but not dead!

    1. The older you get, the more lively, powerful and sparkling you will become, if you let it happen. What others think will be totally off your agenda. This is very liberating. To me, I am 56, you are very young – everything in life is relative :). Have a fab day! Gabi

  355. Yes, yes, yes to this post! A few years ago I changed my WILL TO PLEASE to WILL TO PLEASE MYSELF and made my little personal world a much better place for me.
    When I was young I thought I was a Hippie, open minded and independant but now, with the ups-and-down experiences of 56 years, I found out I really am! With a touch of rebel & punk 🙂
    Gabi X

  356. What a great article! It was like a breath of fresh air to me. I always worried about how I dressed in my 30’s and was miserable. I’m in my 50’s now and loving it. I wear short skirts and heels all the time. I don’t care about how people think I look, I just know I feel FUCKING marvelous!

    1. The title of the article is “Women Over 30”, so some of the ladies are naturally under 50, but still over 30. 🙂 I’m not sure what the designer of Gabourey’s dress is, but it is divine! 😍

  357. And DROP goes the mic. ❤

    What I've loved about being in my 30s is that I know who I am and don't waste time with Judgey McJudgersons.

  358. At 62, still classy and wearing whatever the fuck I want and loving the fact that neither the language police or the fashion police have influence in this life. Class is the ability to observe something that displeases you.

  359. Some commenters are not clearly reading the whole article and viewing all the professional photos taken and posted. (some mobile devices abridge the articles & text sadly and we live in a world where often only tidibits are reported and then give the wrong point.. I think happens more often then we thing.. The post is Absolutely brilliant. As a business owner including professional seamstress for years, I embrace whatever anyone wants to wear! And I make alterations based on what the client wants , not on what I may think they should and I’ve been empowered and totally enjoy doing this for women and men (and children)

  360. My motto in life has always been: “it is none of my business what others think of me”. 🙂

  361. Clearly the word FUCK, prompted the discussion and it even extended it. Thus making this 25 points, viral!!! Wonderful. It got to the heart and soul of all of us. GREAT!!! Nicely done!

  362. Yesterday, I saw a Facebook posted that said something about how nice it would be if women always treated each other as nicely as they do when drunk in public restrooms. It made me smile. Love your post–Thanks for taking the time to write it 🙂

  363. I loved this! I do wish you had had more examples of styles that showed some skin. A lot of these ladies were covered neck to ankle in their fun outfits. The original article had the vibe of, you should be covering up your old body now. Over 30?? I’m 37, curvy, my arms have a small amount of flab and I feel beautiful in a little summer dress. I hope I still feel beautiful in a little dress at 50 and feel happy wearing whatever the fuck I want.

  364. The problem with the word fuck: overused! predictable! not interesting! tedious! usually the mark of someone who can not express them selves so they just give up and say fuck it! but mostly just used way too often to be meaningful. However that being said the way it is used in this article has relevance it has that angry fifties feminist rebellious ring to it which lends the article authenticity and a special humor. I sympathize with the quest for classy but that is not the issue here. Every one relax take a deep breath and appreciate some of the wonderful women covered in the story.

  365. THIS! I am a 43 year old woman who still breaks out glitter eyeliner, regularly wears Cons or Vans, up until recently had pink hair, and hates stupid fashion rules…so, yes, this spoke to me.

  366. I am 64 and I have never been this age before…i have been a trend setter by accident ,so I roll the way I wish. Most of the pictures were celebrities so screw that. Also ,try to take care of your body….I have all sorts of health issues and I still rock my look. Don’t get your panties in a wad because of the “f” word….it’s for shock value and it worked for a bunch of you. Best of luck and blessings to all of you.

  367. I’m 57 I have long blond hair, my husband loves it. I’m 57 I have a leather jacket from France that I was given by a 30 year old French woman (both of whom and which I adore). I am 57 I wear knee length suede boots given to me by our 22 year old French boarder – the boots keep me warm, so does she. I’m 57 and I will and do wear whatever the fuck I want. I say what I want to the world, but am more careful when I talk to individuals, they are easier to break. What I wear doesn’t hurt anyone (well perhaps my daughter who is 30 and more conservative than I am). I’m looking forward to breaking more 30-year-olds’ rules, it keeps me young and happy.

  368. Turns out Kallie only graduated from college in 2013 so it follows that she is likely in her 20’s and also she is from Orange County, CA – which explains the particularly judgy character of her writing. She’s a silly little girl trying to build her “writing” portfolio. It’s a shame she is putting that energy into negative talk toward women and about women. Alas, this is something only the young do. Let’s check back in ten years when Kallie is in her mid thirties and would rather sit at home in her Victoria Secret PINK PJ’s, drinking wine alone, and playing xbox than go on another horrible date. (I jest, but you get what I’m saying if you’re over thirty, or worse, nearing 40.) I’m just going to be over here doing, wearing, and posting whatever. the fuck. i want. (age 39)

  369. I love all the photo’s. I am 60 and wear just what I want, I have never been a “follower of fashion” . Even back in the 1970’s I didn’t follow fashion just adopted & adapted the bits that I liked. None of us are the same when it comes to personality so come on Girls Wear YOUR Personality with Pride. just like the Girls above.

  370. I’m with Jacqui Farrow. I’ve never been, nor will I ever be, a fashion follower. I’m a genius adopter and adapter who wears her personality and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks, and I take pride in knowing I taught my daughters to do exactly the same.

  371. That’s right. I am 44 work in a cocktail bar and wear sexy short mini dresses. Partly because I wear what the fuck I want

  372. “And if they stare
    Just let them burn their eyes
    On you moving.
    And if they shout
    Don’t let it change a thing
    That you’re doing.
    Hold your head up
    Hold your head high”

  373. Kallie’s sentiments are the same I held when I was her age. Youth is everything. Now that I no longer have youth, my sentiments have changed. Hopefully she will develop some foresight after reading all the responses to her post. None of us makes it out of here alive. We all lose that 25 year old skin someday. The supremacy of youth needs to be revolted against for the sake of all of us–even those much younger than Kallie. Wrinkly knees don’t need to be hidden away. Nor do bat wings or a curved spine or anything else. Beauty is what we decide upon together. Let’s change our minds.

  374. Absolutely fabulous! Wear, say, and do whatever you like and be true to yourself, first and foremost! Be Bold! Great article!

    So important that women support each other – EVEN or most especially when we disagree. How boring would life be if we all thought the same say, or wore the same thing!!

  375. Thank you for this! This is all kinds of awesome and inspiration. I’ve shared this multiple times now and like to revisit to put a smile on my face and keep my chin up. Women are fucking amazing! Thank you!

  376. Too fucking right. That goes for clothes, for speech, for choosing to swear or not (I choice I have been making for 45 years) and for not apologising for existing. I always wear what I want and that just happens to be simple stuff: jeans, shirts, boots, loafers most of the time. Over the years I have been told to wear nice bright colours (not black…), to wear skirts (not for me), to wear tights (fuck off), not to wear jeans (again, shove it)…at almost 60 I remain committed to wearing and saying exactly what the fuck I please. Neither do I dye my hair so nobody can see my grey. Result: rather good hair that still looks cool in a simple side bob. You may note: I do not lack confidence.

  377. Reblogged this on fionaandsimonincanada and commented:
    I know this has nothing whatsoever to do with Simon but I love this so am re-blogging anyway! I will write an update soon. Suffice to say his favourite day of the week is when he works at the very day care Centre he went to 20 years ago! Magic!

  378. Amazing photos of woman who are comfortable exactly as they are, very powerful, love self expression and I believe we get better at it as we get older, because we do stop trying to please the world and just get comfortable with who we are xx

  379. Hey, I just want to say I like this article. It makes me laugh! My ten-year-old stepson asked if FUCK is a bad word. I told him NO, but you have to know WHEN, HOW, and WHERE to use it to make it powerful. Yours spiced up the pictures! I love it!

  380. People that use the word “Fuck” and other cuss words tend to be more honest & creative.

    People that use the word “Fuck” often don’t care about the ‘feelings’ of their offenders.

    People that are easily offended, should try to say 10 to 1 good things to bad as habit.

    That is all.

  381. Absolutely gorgeous! What are we ever to be, if not free to express ourselves? Loved all the pictures! x

  382. I read the “don’t” post and I DO agree we deserve to splurge on good bras and reliable cars; but I disagree most strongly with her advice to dump all of your music from High School. Why? For me that would mean The Rolling Stones, Beatles, Joni Mitchell, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, The Beach Boys… Maybe her post was chosen by a computer program, it is sooo soulless. Christmas lights? Really?
    I love my beautiful clothes. Practical staples paired with unique jackets and drawers ful of BEAUTIFUL scarfs, wonderful ethnic jewelry. I can always count on them to fit perfectly. And ethnic jewelry, some of which I have had since High School.

  383. I LOVE Iris Apfel!!! I posted this on Instagram not long ago after watching “if your name is not in the Obits-eat breakfast”
    “I am not interested in being “current”” Iris Apfel 93 years old
    Yesterday I said I’d like to grow down and be my granddaughters – but we all know we have to grow in a forward directing motion – and so today I say when I grow up, I want to be like Iris and just be myself without any regard to what anyone else thinks that should be. Not in a kind of/sort of way – but all the way in. If you should meet me there, let’s sit and admire each other’s unique expression of what that means to each of us – without comparison – only celebration of the other! I’d really enjoy that.

  384. I read a similar article a few years ago that said women over 40 shouldn’t wear hoop earrings. HOOP-FUCKING-EARRINGS!!. Every time I put a pair on my 52 y/o ears, I say a silent fuck you. I genuinely feel that these lists are intended to make us blend into the background & be silent. I don’t intend to do either of those things.

  385. WOW What a great read. I’ve always thought myself as not following the crowds! As me, just being me…that includes dressing and thinking like no one else. Brought my children up just like that, be an individual! Now that I’m well over 30, I’m still living my life to the fullest. Think this shows in your article. Life is so short, don’t let those days pass you by, get out there and LIVE!

  386. I love it, but wish you would have included women wearing some of those specific things that were listed not to wear, like the leopard and short skirts. I’m 34 and I rock my neon leopard tank top!

  387. Reblogged this on Rise & Shine and commented:
    These photos spoke to me this morning as I, too, am irritated by women who tell other women what and how they should be. If you’re offended by spicy language, don’t read any further, but I am not and love the sentiment. I don’t need anyone’s permission to be myself.

  388. Love the concept, love the clothing and the women…but how does Serena walk in that thing? I hope she doesn’t have to get to the bathroom in a hurry. 🙂

  389. I’ve certainly seen the ‘not to wear’ article and I’m sure I’ve looked at it at one point. I didn’t care what it said then and I still don’t give a fuck. I’ll do what I want, and if that means I’m buried in a graphic tee and jeans–I’m good with that. This article was wonderful, showing many different styles, illustrating the point beautifully.

  390. The word “fuck” is a perfectly fine Anglo-Saxon word. I wish people wouldn’t be so prudish about the use of it

  391. I fucking love this post. I’ve posted it in twitter and FB. And I fucking adore all the replies to the woman whi objected to your writing your own blog post however the fuck you wanted. Thank you!

  392. You are so right about this. I just turned 40 this year and now i get to hear from all sides, that i can’t wear certain clothes anymore. I don’t want to look like everybody else, so i wear what i want to wear and not what society tells me to wear.

  393. yes, yes, yes! my girlfriend sent me this post…and when i read the title…i rolled my eyes…and thought…here we go again…but boy was i pleasantly surprised! as a wardrobe stylist…i really work hard to find and create for each of my clients their own unique personal style…not what some list tells you to wear…at any age! i am a firm believer in wearing what no one else is wearing!

    1. I’m so thrilled that you loved it, and even more thrilled that you’re out there basically spreading the message in what you do every day! Keep on being fantastic, your clients are so lucky to have someone pushing them to be their true selves instead of just going with the flow of trends. 💕

  394. I absolutely LOVE this! I recently wrote a post on my blog about whether or not I was too old to wear rompers, since I’m halfway to 92 now…:) Anyway, I also referenced some of those stupid lists – I think we read the same one. I say wear whatever the hell you want, but ya gotta OWN it when you do. Great blog.

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I LOVE that that silly article ended up making so many women speak up against it. Seeing and hearing stories of people’s “not giving a f*ck” attitudes is making my heart soar!

  395. As a woman over 40, I am sick of being told “You are too old to…” or “you should do this…” this made me smile! Thank you!!!

  396. I totally agree with this article, by the age of 30 (or More) we are adults who have been making decisions about our lives for a good number of years. We can wear what we want, do what we want and be what we want. We no longer need permission to exist. I refuse to descend into the blandness of beige and disappearing from view. I will take up space and be present and counted.

  397. This article made me laugh because of the F word. Of course, we should wear what we want. Clothes are not just about fashion. They can hide and restrict, or not. They can express an personal identity or a cultural ideal. Cloth can move with us or get in the way. I don’t wear T-shirts with messages on them, it makes me fell like a bummer sticker, but some women carry it off. These lines are from a song I’m performing Sat. night: “Believe in yourself. Be who you are, and you’ll be a star all right!”

  398. Well, after reading this my curiosity was piqued and I had to go and see what I, at 65, should ‘not’ be wearing. I own at least 75% on that list and will not be giving any of it up. I do wear whatever the fuck I want. LMAO!

  399. Stumbled on this site..Love Love LOVE it. TO the poor fool that posted the post that started it all…when you grow up, you’ll look at things differently and not give a fuck what others think 🙂

  400. ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ I SO wanted to counter the inane drivel of that “what women over a certain age shouldn’t wear” crap! Thank you for taking care of that!

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