
Lingerie Lust List–Autumn Edition

It’s November 20th, and I have been resisting the overwhelming urge to skip right over the autumn season and hop right aboard the Christmas Wishlist train. Practically everyone forgets about the time-for-turkey-and-turtlenecks and jumps head first into gift buying guides, glitter, and Santa-inspired lingerie. (Which, by the way, ew.)

For this edition of the Lingerie Lust List, I’m going to put my fingers in my ears and say “LA LA LA, CAN’T HEAR YOU” to the voice in my head whispering about Christmas Cheer, and I’m going to focus on what deserves a little more attention: fall lingerie.

1. Swiss Dot Stockings by What Katie Did

It’s no secret that I love stockings. Specifically, that I have a pure and true love of What Katie Did’s stockings. So, you can imagine that my salivary glands kicked into overdrive when I was browsing and stumbled upon these little beauties:

Swiss Dot Stockings by WKD
Swiss Dot Stockings by WKD

Swiss dots and back-seams? AND STRETCH? For my ample thighs!? Be still my beating heart, it’s like What Katie Did reached into my brain, rifled through my dearest wishes, and plucked out the best ones. With the daylight hours waning and the air growing crisper, my days of bare-legs and swing dresses are numbered. Of course, I don’t want to put all of my gorgeous frocks on hiatus until the sun comes out again, so you can be sure I’ll be adding a pair of these beauties to my collection. For those of you rolling your eyes because you know these sheers are only 15 denier? I have news for you, chicklets: layering! Maybe a wee bit more complicated, but I like to layer my pretties over a pair of regular old nylon stockings. Gets me by just fine and keeps my legs warm and toasty! Want to pick up your own pair? They’re available in sizes S/M and M/L. Snag some from Kiss Me Deadly, or direct from What Katie Did!

 2.Bronte by Fauve

Bronte by Fauve

I don’t know much about Fauve lingerie–only that she is the sleeker, sophisticated older sister of one of my favorite brands, Freya. But while browsing the Evenden group’s A/W2013 offerings, I spied the Bronte collection and exclaimed “Holy shit!” aloud. I debated with myself. Should I? Should I include this reminiscent-of-snowflakes, silver and lace set in what is supposed to be my Autumn lingerie collection? Should I save Bronte’s gorgeousness for a Jingle-Bells themed post? No way. Because while the season of glitz and glitter is gaining on us, it doesn’t get to claim sole propriety of crisp and chilly days. Autumn has it’s fair share of blustery days, and Bronte’s sweet silvery hue reminds me of visible puffs of breath in the air– one of the first signs of the season. Unfortunately, when I scrambled for my credit card and searched high-and-low for this set, I couldn’t find it, despite it being slotted under “Latest Collections” and not “Coming Soon”. When I checked the local US stockists, I couldn’t find not a trace of it. Same for the UK. You can give it a go yourself here, but you’ll see that as of right now, Fauve is a dirty liar. If they keep churning out gorgeousness like this, though? I think I can find it in my heart to forgive! 😉

3.Vivenne by Fantasie


I’m going to be really, really honest with you here, people.This set by Fantasie is red.  It is lacy. And I can wear it with stockings. In laymans terms, that means that it ticks all the boxes on the Things My Girlfriend Thinks Is Sexy list. She isn’t hard to please. She likes red, and I have this theory that I could wear a red Hefty trash bag to bed and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference. But why wrap myself in plastic when I have another option? Meet Vivienne. Fantasie is another Freya sister-brand/Eveden group brand that I am unfamiliar with, but I am very familiar with my unnatural obsession with lace and garter belts. Fantasie’s A/W 2013 option offers me exactly what I’m looking for in “for-the-bedroom” lingerie, as well as confidence that I’d be purchasing a quality product from a trusted source. So yes, I’ll admit it. This is a lust-list item that would actually be purposed first and foremost for ahem lust. (Talk about heating up those chilly autumn nights!) As with the Bronte set, I can’t tell you where to buy. But if you happen to figure it out yourself, please, God, I’m begging you, let me know!

4.Elizabeth Open Bottom Girdle by Secrets In Lace

Each Fall we see the same color pallette replayed by designers: jewel toned reds and greens, and earthy oranges and yellows, all reminiscent of the changing leaves of the season. And while I tend to ignore “current” fashion trends, when I spotted this ruby-red open bottom girdle by Secrets In Lace, I found myself thinking that  just maybe the idea of “seasonal colors” and I could put aside our differences and live in harmony with one another just this once.

Elizabeth by Secrets In Lace

Meet Elizabeth: Deep red with black lace detailing, Elizabeth is available in sizes S-2X, and features six adjustable metal garter straps and a side hook-and-eye closure for ease of wear. If you dig matching sets, Secrets In Lace offers a range of bras and panties that were designed to match this piece, but heir size range is pretty standard and limited to “core sizes”.  If you fall out of the typical 32-40 A-DD range, but are still teary-eyed over a matching set, I think that this little lovely would pair perfectly with Parfait’s “Charlotte” set! “(What the hell is a Charlotte?”, you ask? Check out this review by the lovely Boosaurus!) As the Autumn days grow colder, I prefer a longline girdle for that extra layer of warmth and support under my wiggle dresses, and the option for stockings to keep my legs just a bit more snuggly is an added bonus. At 69$, Elizabeth will keep me warm without totally breaking my bank, as she is priced similarly to my beloved Rago. Grab your own over at Secrets In Lace.

5. Suspender Tights by Pretty Polly

Suspender Tights by Pretty Polly

There are just some days when a girl can’t be bothered with a garter belt. Sometime’s I’m just feeling too lazy to fight with suspender clips, and sometimes it’s too damn cold. Regardless of reason, that’s where these Suspender Tights by Pretty Polly make their debut. Because just because I don’t feel like fighting with suspender straps doesn’t mean I don’t love the look, knowwhatImean?  Give me some one-step action any day, because the colder the air gets, the less I feel like dealing with much of anything. These pretties come in both standard and plus size, and have been seen out and about on the legs of celebs such as Miley Cyrus and Kelly Osborne. (Guess us commonfolk aren’t the only one’s who like simplicity!) Unfortunately, this blogger need only look at a pair of tights the wrong way in order to rip them, so the 25$price tag is a bit unrealistic for me. However, I definitely don’t discourage my less-clumsy readership from giving them a go, so that I can live vicariously through your gorgeously dressed legs. They’re available for purchase over at Modcloth, so come Christmas time (AKA Christmas Sale Time), I may be swayed to pick up a pair!

There it is. Somehow, I’ve managed to hold off on the Holiday hype until after my Thanksgiving turkey is digested! (Never mind that my evening was spent wrestling with the branches of our Christmas tree, and never mind that every single one of these items is landing squarely on my holiday wishlist!) These five bits and bobs have been plucked squarely from the Autumn side of the Autumn/Winter collections, and would all prove (mostly) practical during the crisp fall days to come. So tell me, readers: What’s on your Autumn wishlist?

7 thoughts on “Lingerie Lust List–Autumn Edition”

    1. With so many holiday themed items swirling around, it was difficult! And honestly, a few of these items could probably go either way on the Fall/Winter scale. I guess it’s all about perspective, right? 😉

  1. Check out “Girls Will Be Boys” and add ’em to your list! Type GWBB in the Google browser, and see what you think… Definitely androgynous wear! They are a small, not-well-known company, but I think they deserve more attention. Perhaps it is just because they haven’t been around for too long… Let me know what you all think if you get around to checking them out 🙂

  2. Oops. I meant to post above comment in the ‘masculine fancy’ section… With the galaxy undies and such….

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